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By: Jesse Scott European Markets and Trading. Major European Markets London Stock Exchange Euronext Deutsche Boerse OMX Nordic Exchange Borsa Italiana.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jesse Scott European Markets and Trading. Major European Markets London Stock Exchange Euronext Deutsche Boerse OMX Nordic Exchange Borsa Italiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jesse Scott European Markets and Trading

2 Major European Markets London Stock Exchange Euronext Deutsche Boerse OMX Nordic Exchange Borsa Italiana SIX Swiss Exchange BME Spanish Exchange

3 London Stock Exchange Market Capitalization: 2.79 T (USD) Number of Companies Listed: 2,792 Domestic: 2,179 Foreign: 613 Ran by London Stock Exchange Group Founded in 1801 2007 Merge with Borsa Italiana; purposed merger with Toronto Exchange

4 London Stock Exchange Key Indexes: FTSE 100 Hours of Operation: 8am – 4:30pm Operates EDX London, Derivatives Market Energy and Natural Resources

5 Euronext Market Capitalization: 2.87 T (USD) Number of Companies Listed: 1,160 Domestic : 990 Foreign: 170 Ran by: NYSE Group Operates Primarily in France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Portugal

6 Euronext Key Indexes: Euronext 100 Hours of Operation: 9am – 5:30pm Euronext Liffe Derivatives Market Second Largest in Europe

7 Deutsche Boerse Market Capitalization: 1.29 T (USD) Number of Companies Listed: 783 Domestic: 704 Foreign: 79 Ran by: Deutsche Boerse Group Largest German Stock Exchange - Frankfurt

8 Deutsche Boerse Key Indexes: DAX Hours of Operation: 9am – 5:30pm Eurex Derivatives Market Joint Operations with SIX Swiss Largest European Derivatives Market

9 OMX Nordic Exchange Market Capitalization: 817 B (USD) Number of Companies Listed: 797 Domestic: 773 Foreign: 24 Ran by: Nasdaq Group Includes Markets in: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland

10 OMX Nordic Exchange Key Indexes: Nordic 40 Derivatives Market: Nordic Derivatives Market Hours of Operation: 9am – 4:30pm

11 Borsa Italiana Market Capitalization: 655 B (USD) Number of Companies Listed: 296 Domestic: 291 Foreign: 5 Ran by: London Stock Exchange Group Based in Milan

12 Borsa Italiana Key Indexes: FTSE/MIB Runs Italy’s Derivatives and Fixed Income Markets Hours of Operation: 9am – 5:30pm

13 Swiss Exchange Market Capitalization: 1.05 T (USD) Number of Companies Listed: 339 Domestic: 275 Foreign: 64 Ran by: SIX Group Based in Zurich

14 Swiss Exchange Key Indexes: Swiss Market Index (SMI) Derivatives:Eurex Joint Operations with Deutsche Boerse Hours of Operation: 9am – 4:30pm

15 BME Spanish Exchange Market Capitalization: Number of Companies Listed: 3,472 Domestic : 3,435 Foreign: 37 Ran by: BME Group Operates several markets Madrid, Barcelona, Biboa, and Valencia Stock Exchanges

16 BME Spanish Exchange Key Indexes: Ibex 35 Derivatives:MEFF Focus in Energy and Financial Derivatives Hours of Operation: 9am – 4:30pm

17 Current Events Deutsche Boerse proposes merger with NYSE Euronext Deutsche Boerse will purchase $9.68B worth of stock giving the company a 60% share Proposed merger said to create $405M in synergies Will become worlds largest exchange group Possible regulatory issues Eurex and Liffe would combine to have 90% European market share in derivatives

18 Current Events Counter-offer by Nasdaq OMX and ICE to by NYSE Euronext $11.3B offer, 16% higher than Deutsche Boerse Will create $740M in synergies Nasdaq OMX acquires NYSE Euronext listings, equities, and options. ICE acquires NYSE Liffe derivatives markets, becomes 4 th largest company in terms of global trading volume

19 Other M&A’s in the Equity Markets 2007- NYSE purchases Euronext for $10.2B London Stock Exchange to purchase TMX (Toronto) for $3.2B BM&FBovespa (Brazil, 4 th largest financial exchange operator) looking to make a move Hong Kong Exchange Australia ASX and Singapore Exchange $7.9 B deal maybe?

20 Why the Consolidation? Battle On-line Rivals Losing Market Share to Electronic Trading Increase Product Offerings Cost Savings Escape Mature Business for Growth Opportunities

21 Questions

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