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E CLIPSE P REDICTOR Jason Carter. WHY USE THIS SOFTWARE 2 Estimates total time spent on an each assignment Help me accomplish one of my research goals.

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Presentation on theme: "E CLIPSE P REDICTOR Jason Carter. WHY USE THIS SOFTWARE 2 Estimates total time spent on an each assignment Help me accomplish one of my research goals."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY USE THIS SOFTWARE 2 Estimates total time spent on an each assignment Help me accomplish one of my research goals Knows the assignment

3 O NE OF THE G OALS OF THIS P ROJECT 3 Automatically predict when students are having difficulty with some aspect of code Automatically predict when students are having difficulty with some aspect of code Student 1 Student 2 Notify a TA that the students are having a problem You are stuck.Student 1 is stuck.

4 T O A CCOMPLISH T HIS G OAL 4 Student int i = 0; 1. Edit line of code 2. Set breakpoint Log of Programming Actions Log your programming actions Monitor how you are doing?

5 H OW D O WE K NOW H OW Y OU A RE D OING ? 5 We define how you are doing as your status. Define several types of statuses.

6 C OULD U SE H ELP 6 You think you have an idea that can fix a problem, but you aren't sure how to implement it You think you have an idea that can fix a problem, but you aren't sure how to implement it

7 S TUCK 7 You cannot solve a problem and have exhausted most of your resources such as searching the web or asking a student for help

8 E UREKA 8 You have finally solved a problem or just got out of being stuck

9 M AKING P ROGRESS 9 When the software guesses that you are stuck, could use help, or eureka, but you are actually making progress

10 B ACK F ROM B REAK 10 You have been inactive for a certain amount of time. Back from break is when you return from inactivity.


12 T RAINING THE S OFTWARE 12 Software will predict your status and give you a notification Correct the software by pressing the button that corresponds to your status

13 T RAIN S OFTWARE T O B ETTER E STIMATE T OTAL T IME 13 Correct the break time The default break time is 15 min.

14 B REAK T IME F EATURE 14 Total break time, Average Break Time, Last Break Time

15 I NSTALLATION 15 Download plug-in from: The name of the plug-in is eclipsePredictor.jar User Manual will soon be available for download.

16 I NSTALLATION (C ONT.) 16 Open a command window and navigate to where Eclipse is installed Press Start Press Run Type cmd.exe Note : You only have to do this once. Later you can execute eclipse as usual.

17 C ONTACT I NFO 17 Email:

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