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Doaa El-thalatheny Nesreen Salem-Deeb Nermeen abu-Lehya Yasmeen El-Saqqa Dr. Hatem El-Aydi.

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Presentation on theme: "Doaa El-thalatheny Nesreen Salem-Deeb Nermeen abu-Lehya Yasmeen El-Saqqa Dr. Hatem El-Aydi."— Presentation transcript:


2 Doaa El-thalatheny Nesreen Salem-Deeb Nermeen abu-Lehya Yasmeen El-Saqqa Dr. Hatem El-Aydi

3 Objectives Greenhouse SCADA LabVIEW Hardware Software

4  Develop monitoring, supervisory control, and archiving system for agriculture system in a greenhouse.  Rationalize consumption of water.  To control numerous environmental conditions for greenhouse.  To provide overall efficiency for greenhouse owners.

5  Is a structure with a glass or plastic roof and frequently glass or plastic walls.  It heats up because incoming solar radiation from the sun warms plants, soil, and other things inside the building.  The reason for growing plants in greenhouses is to control the environment.  A greenhouse allows the plants to grow in any location and at any time of year.  There are 12,000 greenhouses in Gaza strip.

6  Israel cut drinking and irrigation water from Gaza.  Only about one-quarter of potentially irrigable lands are actually irrigated, and not in the most efficient manner.  Bad equipments that used in irrigation.

7  Fertigation has been described as the application of plant nutrients in irrigation water to accomplish fertilization.  Plants require some 17 essential elements in order to grow healthy and produce economic crops.  Elements: 1- Macro-Nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) 2- Micro- Nutrients (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn)

8  Random use of fertilizers which waste expensive fertilizers.  Also it has a bad effect on soil.  It reduces quality crop, increase the effects of weed competition, and increase the plant diseases.  All this affects on human health and economy of agricultural sector.

9  SCADA is an acronym that stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.  A computer system for gathering and analyzing real time data.  SCADA is often referred to as Human-Machine Interface (HMI) software.

10 Continue.. SCADA Components Communication Network Field Instrumentation Central Monitoring Station Remote Stations

11 Sensors – I/O points Remote Station server clients Field bus Control bus Communication bus hardware

12 Water Management Systems Electric Power Traffic Signals A railway system Mass Transit Systems Manufacturing Systems Environmental Control Systems Environmental Control Water distribution station Agriculture

13 Labview DSC from National Instruments WinCC from Siemens Cimplicity HMI from General Electric Citect from Citect Company

14  LabVIEW is an acronym for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench.  It is a computer software development application created by National Instruments.  The building blocks of the LabVIEW program are called Virtual Instruments (VI).

15 LabVIEW Components Front Panel Block Diagram Icon & Connector

16 1. Shared Variables. 2. Logging. 3. Alarming. 4. Event monitoring. 5. System security. 6. Real time and historical data trending. 7. More than 4,000 user interface graphics.  DSC: Datalogging and Supervisory Control.  Extends LabVIEW development Environment:-

17  Feature for sharing data in LabVIEW Applications.  Three Shared Variable types:- Single-Process:- share data between two locations on the same VI, or two VIs within the same application. Network-Published:- share data with networked systems and uses NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP). Time-Triggered:- share data deterministically through Ethernet between real-time systems.

18  Messages to inform operator about operating and error status in the process.  Default HiHi, Hi, Lo, LoLo, bad status, and rate of change alarms.

19  Data (alarms & events) is stored in real time streams to Citadel.  No coding required.

20  Facilitate the implementation of security for local or network resources such as LabVIEW project libraries, shared variables, and front panel objects.  The security architecture of the DSC Module separates user management and authentication from resource permissions.  User management and authentication is provided by the Domain Account Manager while the permissions assigned for users to access a resource are defined by the resource itself.

21  Domain Account Manager The Domain Account Manager serves as a central repository for managing local and remote user account management. Use to create users and user groups, each with different privilege levels. This arrangement simplifies the process of assigning permissions to local and networked LabVIEW resources.

22  Project Library Security The user can have read/write and granting/denying access to the project library.  Shared Variable Security Shared variables use the Domain Account Manager user information to set permissions.

23  Front Panel Security Uses Domain Account Manager to assign permission levels to controls and indicators on the front panel. You can assign 4 permission levels to front panel objects:- 1. Full Access. 2. Disabled (View Only). 3. Disabled & Grayed Out. 4. No Access (Hidden).


25 Web Browser LabVIEW Only the LabVIEW run-time engine and browser plug-in are required on the client machine. The LabVIEW development environment is not required. The LabVIEW environment and LabVIEW run-time are required. A web browser is not required. The browser allows connecting to the local program on the same machine as the server. (http://localhost/name of the vi.html). Connecting to a remote panel from LabVIEW on the same machine as the server is not permitted. Only the "Operate" menu is available in the browser's remote panel. Regular LabVIEW menu options are available with certain items disabled. An HTML file must be created to control remote panel in the web browser. Once the HTML page is created, any changes to the front panel are automatically reflected in the remote panel viewed in the web browser. An HTML page is not required.

26  To notify someone or send data by email programmatically.  LabVIEW has several VIs for sending email.  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.  Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another.

27  These VIs have options for sending text-only email, email with attachments, and email to multiple recipients.  These VIs require the SMTP server's hostname or IP address that will be used for sending emails.


29  Sharp GP2D12 Infrared Sensor A distance measuring sensor. It has the features of:- 1. Analog output. 2.Effective Range: 10 to 80 cm. 3.LED pulse cycle duration: 32 ms. 4.Detection area diameter @ 80 cm: 6 cm

30  Temperature Sensor LM35 An integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperature. It measures temperature more accurately than a using a thermistor and thermocouples. Temperature ( o C) = Vout * (100 o C/V)

31  Light Dependent Resistors LDR A device used in light-measuring or light-sensing. has a resistance decreases as illumination increases. LDRs have a resistance in total:- in darkness of 1 MΩ. in bright light (1) 10 - 20kΩ @ 10 lux. (2) 2 - 4k Ω @ 100 lux.

32  Humidity Sensor A simple sensor which measures humidity of the weather.

33  Moisture Scale It is the device that measures the average moisture of the soil. It consists of:- 1. source of constant voltage 2. constant resistance 3. variable resistance (soil).

34  Valves The valve need 220V AC source to work.  Pump The pump we use works at 12V DC.

35 Data acquisition is the process of gathering information from analog and digital measurement sources such as sensors. Use DAQ 6024E from NI. 16 channels of analog input. 2 channels of analog output. 68-pin connector. 8 lines of digital I/O.

36 We have 5 analog signals as show below:- InputDescriptionAnalog Channel Channel Pin Number Moisture sensorAnalog valueACH068 Humidity sensorAnalog valueACH133 Level sensorAnalog valueACH265 LDR sensorAnalog valueACH428 Temperature sensor Analog valueACH560 ----------- AIGIND64

37 We have used 4 digital signals as show below:- OutputDescriptionDigital Channel Channel Pin Number PumpDigital valueDIO 052 FanDigital valueDIO 419 Valve#1Digital valueDIO 616 Valve#2Digital valueDIO 748 ---------------- DGND44


39  Sending SMS in addition to emails when an alarm happens.  The designed system is a ON-OF system but can very well be extended to a PID system.  Using more developed devices such us PLCs.

40  We build an automated greenhouse using LabVIEW DSC module 8.0.  LabVIEW 8.0 introduces HMI tool with an attractive user interface so entire greenhouse operation will be monitored.  The system supervise and control the irrigation, fertigation, temperatures, and humidity levels for optimum plant growth.  The system is provided by an alarm and datalogging system.  So SCADA is a modern technology which saves time and money by eliminating the need for service personnel to visit each site for inspection.


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