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Speaker : 尹培華 Pei-Hwa Yin 指導教授:吳和庭老師 EPON Introduction 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaker : 尹培華 Pei-Hwa Yin 指導教授:吳和庭老師 EPON Introduction 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaker : 尹培華 Pei-Hwa Yin 指導教授:吳和庭老師 EPON Introduction 1

2 Outline - Introduction - MPCP (Multi Point Control Protocol ) - DBA introduction -IPACT ( Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time ) -Priority Queuing - Future work - Reference 2

3 Introduction Develop motivation : backbone bandwidth has experienced substantial growth, but little has changed in the access Network PON is one of solution to this problem due to -low cost -high bandwidth -easy to maintain 3

4 Introduction PON : passive optical network - no active elements in the transmission path from source to destination Three basic components : a ) OLT (optical line terminal) : - near service provider (control and modify bandwidth) - connect to the backbone network( ex : IP ) b ) ONU (optical network unit) : - near end-users c ) 1:N passive star coupler(splitter or combiner) : - splitter(use in downstream direction) - combiner(use in upstream direction) 4

5 Introduction Three common topology type a ) tree (use most) b ) bus c ) ring 5

6 Introduction EPON : all data are encapsulated in Ethernet frames for transmission Feature : - long distance : 20 km - more cost effective - higher bandwidth : up to 10Gigabit/second Ethernet frame format 6

7 Introduction Upstream direction : ONU->OLT : ONUs share the channel capacity /use TDMA mechanism that control by OLT Downstream direction : OLT->ONU : broadcasting 7

8 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) - a control mechanism between a Master and Slaves units connected to a Point-to-Multi-Point (P2MP) segment to allow efficient transmission of data - EPON use this protocol to transfer control message between OLT and ONU - It is a layer 2 protocol - Two mode a)normal mode – Bandwidth assignment / request b) Auto Discovery mode – Control Auto Discovery process 8

9 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) - Control message are as follows (defined by opcode field ) : -GATE -REPORT -REGISTER_REQ -REGISTER -REGISTER_ACK 9

10 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Gate message format : Ps : flag=0/regular flag=1/discover 10

11 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Gate message operation 11

12 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Report message format : 12

13 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Report message operation 13

14 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Round Trip Time Measurement- Raging 14

15 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Normal mode 15

16 MPCP(Multi Point Control protocol ) Auto-discover mode Which are used to discover and register a newly connected ONU 16

17 DBA framework DBA framework overview I 17

18 DBA framework DBA framework overview II 18

19 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT Step 1 OLT throw Grant/request mechanism has already know the information that bandwidth allocation need and the information are store in a polling table, then OLT will send a message to notify the first ONU the time that can start to transmit data(include data size) Step 2 when ONU get message, it will start to transmit data in the end,it will send another message to OLT,to notify how many data that need to transmit next time Step 3 in a proper time OLT will send a grant message to the next ONU repeat 1~3 until end 19

20 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT EX : 20

21 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT If an ONU emptied its buffer completely, it will report 0 bytes back to the OLT. Correspondingly, in the next cycle the ONU will be granted 0 bytes, i.e., it will be allowed to send a new request, but no data. At the end of its transmission window, ONU will generate its own control message (Request) and send it Back to the OLT 21

22 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT Transmission window size -to notify how many data that OLT can send to a ONU Maximum transmission window : -to avoid ONUs with high traffic volumes monopolize the bandwidth Type -FIX -Limited -Gated -Constant Credited -Linear credit -Elastic 22

23 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT Max polling cycle time : If all ONU want to transmit data If only one ONU wants to transmit data 23

24 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT Fix : Limited : Gated : Constant credit 24

25 Inter-ONU Scheduling-IPACT 25 Linear Credit : Elastic :

26 Intra-ONU scheduling - priority queuing 26 Concept and feature : -Packets are classified by the system and then put in different priority queues - With in each of the priority queues, packet are scheduled as FIFO queue - Packet can scheduled if all higher priority queues are emptied limitation : Low priority queue may suffer starvation Benefits : Can provide simple QoS

27 Intra-ONU scheduling - priority queuing 27

28 Future work -Long reach PON -QoS base of Dynamic Bandwidth Management in Integrated EPON and 802.16 Access Networks 28

29 References [1] Glen Kramer, Davis Biswanath Mukherjee, Gerry Pesavento,Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) A Dynamic Bandwidth Distribution Scheme in an. Optical Access Network,Photonic Network Communications,4 : 1,89-107, 2002 [2] N. Ghani, A. Shami, C. Assi, M. Y. A. Raja, Intra-ONU Bandwidth Scheduling in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks,IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 8, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2004 [3] IEEE 802.3ah 2004 [4] RFC4837 – Managed Objects of Ethernet Passive Optical Networks,July 2007 29

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