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Memory-Based Recommender Systems : A Comparative Study Aaron John Mani Srinivas Ramani CSCI 572 PROJECT RECOMPARATOR.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory-Based Recommender Systems : A Comparative Study Aaron John Mani Srinivas Ramani CSCI 572 PROJECT RECOMPARATOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory-Based Recommender Systems : A Comparative Study Aaron John Mani Srinivas Ramani CSCI 572 PROJECT RECOMPARATOR

2 Problem definition This project is a comparative study of two movie recommendation systems based on collaborative filtering. User-User Rating vs Item-Item Rating Slope-One algorithm - Prediction engine. Pearson’s Correlation – Calculate similarity of users/items Also compare against Netflix/IMDB recommendations The aim of the experiment is to study the accuracy of the two algorithms when applied on the same dataset under similar conditions 2

3 S/W, Language used 3 S/W, LanguagePurpose NetFlixDataset JavaMain programming language for similarity ranking and prediction engine HTML/CSS/JavaScriptFrond End/ GUI PerlScraping/RegEx MySQLBack End Database Shell/RubyScripts for importing/exporting dataset

4 Plan of Action 4 SNo #TaskResponsibilityCheckPoint (Week Ending) 1.Scripts to import/export DatasetAJ25 th March 2.Similarity RankingSR1 st April 3.Prediction EngineAJ1 st April 4.UI DesignAJ25 th March 5.Results FormSR8 th April 6.Graphs/Metrics Data PlotAJ, SR15 th April 7.NetFlix ScrapingSR8 th April 8.Unit/Incremental Testing, QCAJ, SR22 nd April

5 Sample Screenshot [Recommendation Page] 5

6 Sample graphs showing the data you will collect and how it will be presented. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) – Sample error difference of approx.100 Users. This is a standard metric which is essentially used to measure how much deviation a particular algorithm will show against original ratings (blanked out for the test). 6

7 Sample graphs showing the data you will collect and how it will be presented. New User Problem – Conduct a survey among 10 human testers to gauge how relevant the top n predictions are compared to the selected movie and rate their accuracy on a scale of 1-10. These users will be new user rows in the User-Item Matrix with a single rating. The mean of this test data will provide a human perspective on the Precision of machine-generated suggestions for new users introduced into the system. 7 Human UsersUser-UserItem-Item User 1810 User 264 User 377 User 485 User 554 User 677 User 714 User 843 User 968 User 10810

8 Sample graphs showing the data you will collect and how it will be presented. Average Precision Analysis – Create similar test conditions as before. Each human tester logs the relevancy of the top-n predictions of each algorithm to the selected movie. The average across each category of algorithms should provide some insight into the # of relevant predictions generated as compared to the total predictions generated. 8 Human UsersP User-User % P Item-Item % User 10.80.1 User 20.60.4 User 30.7 User 40.80.5 User 50.50.4 User 60.7 User 70.10.4 User 80.40.3 User 90.60.8 User 100.80.9

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