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Report on Session 2 European contribution to Global Data Sets relevant to the implementation of the GEO 2009- 11 Work Plan Existing data sets and potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Report on Session 2 European contribution to Global Data Sets relevant to the implementation of the GEO 2009- 11 Work Plan Existing data sets and potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on Session 2 European contribution to Global Data Sets relevant to the implementation of the GEO 2009- 11 Work Plan Existing data sets and potential to support GEOSS Rapporteur: U. Gärtner, DLR

2 Introduction EC-DG RTD, Gilles Ollier Basic questions – Are there data sets under development or already available which can contribute to GEOSS? – Are there obstacles to allow access to data sets by registering with GEO GCI, what kind of difficulties like technical issues, data sharing issues?

3 Data: Way forward-GEO and INSPIRE M.Craglia Issues Global datasets (with europ. Contributions) Services for access to data and information Implications of GEO data sharing principles Data quality Information architecture INSPIRE provides global data sets and information architecture

4 GEO Global Datasets D. Cripe, GEO Sec Basic requirements Interoperable Architecture and Standard Formats to benefit fully from Earth Observation Systems Technical Specifications for Collecting, Processing, Storing, and Disseminating Data and Products Based on Non-proprietary Standards Defining System Compliance for Contribution to GEOSS Follow GEO Data Sharing Principles

5 Land Data Sets GMES- Geoland, M. Facchini, GMES Bureau Core Mapping Services - CMS – Basic, generic geo-information on: land cover / use incl. seasonal and annual change biophysical parameters describing continental vegetation stage, surface radiation budget and water cycle local to global scales update frequency: 1 day to 12 months Core Information Services - CIS – Specific information addressing reporting obligation: spatial planning: describe / predict urban land use change in Europe water quality: estimation of pollution sources agri-environment: assessing impact of agriculture on environment forest management: improved forest class and biodiversity indicator information land carbon: asses impact of weather and climate variability on terrestrial biospheric carbon fluxes natural resource monitoring in Africa: environmental monitoring capacity over African countries global crop monitoring: real-time assessment and yield forecasts

6 GEOLand (ctd) GMES Land Monitoring Portal – – Central access point to GMES land geo- information – Browsing, viewing and ordering based on web- map server geoland2 portfolio download geoland2_core_products_and_services_update_081103_en.pdf

7 Global Land Cover J.Bequignon, ESA  Europe is expanding EO capacities  Sentinels – dedicated satellites 2 x SAR imaging (S1) 2 x Superspectral imaging (S2) 2 x Ocean monitoring (S3) atmospheric measurements onboard a geo-stationary satellite (S4) atmospheric measurements on board a low orbit satellite (S5) preceded by a precursor satellite  Related ground facilities  FREE and OPEN data policy  Data access to satellites from Member States, EUMETSAT, commercial partners  Formation of Climate Change Initiative  Satellite based ECV

8 Global Soil Data V.van Engelen, ISRIC Supporting the development a Global Soil Map building upon the work of ongoing and completed projects Incorporating data from global, regional and national soil data projects into a coherent system using a common dictionary GEO 2010 Baseline Initiative to include Soils as a data set Planned global soil datasets (from 2010 onwards): area soil class information (traditional soil map) with latest information at a resolution of 1 x 1 km continuous soil property surfaces (digital soil mapping products) with an increasing resolution starting from 10 x 10 km and going towards 90 x 90 m

9 Geological Map -Onegeology I.Jackson, BGS A project to make web-accessible the best available geological map data worldwide Initiated in 2006 as a contribution to the UN International Year of Planet Earth Being delivered by 111 geological surveys worldwide

10 Geological Map (ctd) What dataset components are you developing relevant to the implementation of the GEOSS? Geological map datasets - relevant to all 9 GEOSS themes Can you register data, observations, information, products into GEOSS? Yes – on or before January 2010 (but see resource question below*) Would a GEO registration session help facilitate the process? Yes, especially if it would encourage those who have yet to serve their data to OneGeology/GEOSS What resources are required to enable the data, observations, information, products to be registered? *Geological surveys are using their own resources, with additional, external resources we could accelerate registration considerably

11 Ocean Sea Data Net - MARIS Major elements Unified access to distributed data centres InteroperabilityCCCC Cross sector involvement – EuroGOOS, POGO, GMES Marine Core Services, Humboldt, SIMORC

12 GMES - My Ocean E. Ozsoy,METU MyOcean overall objectives are to n set up a concerted and integrated pan-European capacity for ocean monitoring and forecasting, using nationally- available skills and resources. n demonstrate the operationality of the system, based on a « service oriented » organization, according to the European quality standards, and to achieve operational qualification and eventually qualification of Service. n bring a new pan-european value for the benefit of the marine service providers on duty at national or european levels. n contribute to the long-term sustainability of this pan-European capacity.

13 GMES –My Ocean (ctd) MyOcean is focussed on a strict core service limited to : « Easy-download-of-bulk-and-assessed » information + « Discovering & Viewing » of this ocean information Delivery : two kinds of Users Registered / Regular Users (Met’Offices, Navies,…) Occasionnal Users (Researchers, EU Citizen, …) Duration : 36 months from 1st April 2009 Service (in V0) : already available on-line catalogue with existing products New Service (in V1) : will be available by end 2010 Fully operational & professional

14 WATER Watercycle - M.Menenti, ENSPS

15 Mozaic A. Wahner, Jülich Ozone and water vapor in the UT/LS play a key role in climate Large variability in space and time. Comprehensive observations are needed for the assessment of climate change understanding the interactions between climate and atmospheric chemistry Passenger aircraft are a powerful observing platform for studies on Atmospheric transport and chemical processes Budgets of ozone and water vapor in the UT/LS Inter-annual variability and longterm trends Aircraft impact on the atmosphere – Data Sets for GEO

16 EDGAR – CO2 mapping M. Craglia, JRC Time series: 1970-2005 (annual), for selected projects (monthly emissions) for commission policy studies 2005-2050 Source categories (main groups): -Energy: Fuel Combustion (IPCC 1A) and Fugitive emissions from fuel (IPCC 1B) -Industrial Processes (non-combustion, IPCC 2) -Product Use (IPCC 3) -Agriculture (including Savanna burning), (IPCC 4) -Land Use Change and Forestry (IPCC 5) -Waste (IPCC 6) -Other anthropogenic sources (fossil fuel fires) (IPCC 7) Spatial allocation:base grid 0.1x0.1 degree grid (also available on 0.5 and 1 degree grid)

17 EDGAR (ctd) 1.Data available for greenhouse gases a. files with emissions by country b. grid files with emissions on grid (netcdf, asci) 2.Nall ot detail is downloadable due to copyright 3.Users can apply data for studies and in publications under signing a disclaimer/copyright statement at registration on the edgar webpage. More information on EDGAR website: or e-mail EDGAR project leader

18 MACC L.Rivier, LSCE Main capabilities  Comparison of CO 2 fluxes from several inverse systems  Comparison with terrestrial and ocean models  Many items selection :  Emission type: total, natural, land, ocean  Flux parameter: raw, anomaly, filtered, seasonal cycle  Averaging period: yearly, monthly  Region: global, land, ocean, north America, Europe, Africa, …  CH 4 fluxes also available on carboscope  Animation

19 MACC (ctd) Future development  Include uncertainties : statistical incertainties returned by the systems and external error  Validation diagnostics  Add new results from inverse systems and ecosystems / ocean models  Add more inverse systems from the transcom project community

20 Conclusions - The session was very constructive with good presentation in most cases meeting the expectations - There is a huge amount of datasets available in Europe both as - global datasets or - European contribution to global datasets - There is wide will to provide full and open (and free as far as possible) access to these data sets - Main limitations to "full and open" are: - Licensing, copy right issues - Security matters Registering process for the GEO portal is easy, help is offered

21 Conclusions (ctd) - We had the confirmation that Earth Observation is not only Space but in-situ too. - Different providers may provide datasets that are not consistent: - neighbouring data sets are not compatible - data sets on same areas are different! ------> Need for harmonisation - INSPIRE has a key role in producing European datasets. How can INSPIRE impact the development of GEO Data Sharing Principles ? - Need to think about the infrastructure for distribution of data: is the portal solution presented by IOC TF the right one for Europe? Shall we have multiple (mirror) portals? Are there any new technological solutions foreseen? Who should provide them? On the GMES part: GMES has the objective to provide "full and open" access. Security and commercial restrictions may apply. GMES is still in the preoperational phase and products are generated by FP7 projects. From the EC perspective, projects can register their datasets in GEO. In registering, a uniform formulation for all of them has to be proposed. When operational (2014+), GMES services will see how to register

22 Thank you for listening - and don‘t forget JDI - Just Do It

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