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Cyberinfrastructure Development for the Western Consortium of Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico Funding provided by the National Science Foundation (EPS-0919123)

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Presentation on theme: "Cyberinfrastructure Development for the Western Consortium of Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico Funding provided by the National Science Foundation (EPS-0919123)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyberinfrastructure Development for the Western Consortium of Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico Funding provided by the National Science Foundation (EPS-0919123)

2 Task Overview

3 Collaboration Model UNLV LeadershipTeacher Participants Cyberlearning with S&S Knowledge and experience teaching science to secondary students. Interest and comfort with technology. Commitment to HQ science teaching & learning Willingness to experiment with cyberlearning. Resources Support Expertise Commitment to supporting HQ science teaching & learning Cyberlearning environment, R&D

4 Cyberlearning – The use of networked computing and communications technologies to support learning. Cyberinfrastructure - the new research environments that support advanced data acquisition, data storage, data management, data integration, data mining, data visualization and other computing and information processing services over the Internet.

5 Why Curriculum?

6 New and emerging science related to the ecological and hydrological impact of climate change on the unique environmental systems located in the states of Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico.

7 Why Climate Change? Why Science & Sustainability?


9 Meta-themes Remote Sensing Supercomputing Visualization Data & Data Management Computational Science - the application of computer simulation and other forms of computation to problems in various scientific disciplines.

10 Nevada C4D Project Overview Climate Literacy Framework Climate Literacy Framework Science & Sustainability Science & Sustainability

11 Kent’s Work on the Big Ideas Meta PrincipleBig IdeaSub Idea Understanding Earth’s Climate SystemEarth Systems Science Remote Sensing Visualization GIS ModelingResolution; scaling Coupling of Environmental Models Earth as a closed loop system Cyberinfrastructure Perspectives on ClimateParadigms, World view, epistemology, authority Variables and factorsStocks and flows Adapting to the Outcomes of a Warming ClimateLifestyle changesGovernance, local policy adaptations Socio-economic ImpactsBusiness, supply/demand, culture Policy MakingMitigation, adaptation, resilience Land UseAllocation, Resource Mgmt. Socio-cultural ResponseWater banking, crop rotation, irrigation Leveraging a Warming ClimateDesign

12 Climate Literacy Framework

13 Electronic Resources Login & pwd: firstname.lastname (e.g., kent.crippen)

14 To-Do for the August Meeting Which activities/units from S&S, Q1 (including an intro unit) are we willing to take on for a 5-day development period? Review the resources and add your comments Create a task table as a blog entry and record your ideas Springs Preserve (Ellen) Activities & Units from S&S, Q1 Proposed Change Resources to be Used C4D Themes Addressed How does this proposed address Climate Change? 1. 2. 3.

15 August 9-13, At a Glance TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 9:00amDaily Agenda, Planning, & Review 10:00amLarge Group Work Time 11:00amMorning PD Session NoonLunch 1:00pmLarge or Small Group Work Time 2:00pmAfternoon PD Session 3:00pmSmall Group Work Time

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