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AAE 450 Spring 2008 Dana Lattibeaudiere February 7, 2008 New Code Developments.

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Presentation on theme: "AAE 450 Spring 2008 Dana Lattibeaudiere February 7, 2008 New Code Developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAE 450 Spring 2008 Dana Lattibeaudiere February 7, 2008 New Code Developments

2 New Code: ma_thrust.m  More outputs: => Structures –nozzle diameters/lengths, engine masses, pressures of oxidizer and fuel tanks, fuel and oxidizer mass flows  Assumptions: –Theoretical hybrid engine –Pc estimated –Conical shaped nozzles, 12 deg –Tank Pressure: no P_dynamic, P_throttle AAE 450 Spring 2008

3 Sample Output: AAE 450 Spring 2008 Propulsion Future Work  Integrate code  CAD  Tvac = 44.48 kN –Nozzle Diameter = 2.016 m –Engine mass = 43.84 kg –Nozzle length = 4.387 m –Pressure fuel = Pressure Ox = 1.73E6 Pa

4 AAE 450 Spring 2008 Backup Slides Propulsion Stage 2 Delta_V = 2400 m/sTrajectory Inputs Average Thrust Vacuum (kN)44.48 Time Burn (s)20.33 Mass Flow (kg/s)14.50 Fuel Mass Flow (kg/s)7.252 Ox Mass Flow (kg/s)7.252 Pe (Pa) 211.3 Ae (m^2)3.191

5 References  Humble, R. W., Henry, G. N., Larson, W. J., “Liquid Rocket Propulsion Systems,” Space Propulsion Analysis and Design, 1 st ed., Vol. 1, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1995, pp. 206-211, pp. 216-217, pp. 224.  Humble, R. W., Henry, G. N., Larson, W. J., “Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Systems,” Space Propulsion Analysis and Design, 1 st ed., Vol. 1, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1995, pp. 426-431. AAE 450 Spring 2008

6  Humble, R. W., Henry, G. N., Larson, W. J., “Appendix B: Thermochemical Data for Selected Propellants,” Space Propulsion Analysis and Design, 1 st ed., Vol. 1, McGraw- Hill, New York, NY, 1995, pp. 701-702, pp. 705- 706, pp 711-712.  Lara, Michael R., “Star 37XFP,” ATK Tactical Propulsion and Controls Division., Elkton, MD, Apr. 2007. AAE 450 Spring 2008

7  Mingchu, Gu, and Guoqiu, Liu, “The Oxygen/Hydrogen Rocket Engine For Long March Vehicle," AIAA Paper 95-2838, Jul. 1995.  Sutton, George P., Biblarz, Oscar, Rocket Propulsion Elements, 7 th ed., Wiley, New York, NY, 2001.  Wade, Mark., “RD-161-1,” 1997-2007. [ Accessed 1/22/08.] AAE 450 Spring 2008

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