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Discovering Society: finding information November 2010 Ben Taylorson.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering Society: finding information November 2010 Ben Taylorson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering Society: finding information November 2010 Ben Taylorson

2 Aims and method In the context of your formative assignment: Planning a search Where to look Getting articles An hour of theory and practice

3 Gathering information 1 – define the topic 2 – search strategy 3 – choose resources 4 – begin searching 5 – refine searches 6 – collect and note the source of information used

4 What are you looking for? Simple planning is the key: look carefully at your topic break it down into concepts or themes e.g. “attitudes towards performance-enhancing drugs in sport” performance- enhancing drugs sport

5 Combine terms Express your search logically - it may sound obvious but many don’t do it… drugssport AND

6 Synonyms Don’t be restricted by the terms of the original question - think about related terms i.e. synonyms Remember alternative spellings e.g. US vs British drugssport dopingathletics steroids AND OR

7 Widening a search Other options with keyword searching: use truncation to pick up plurals or other word endings – e.g. cultur* = culture, cultures, cultural, culturally use wildcards to pick up spelling variants – e.g. behavio?r = behavior, behaviour use phrases instead of keywords where applicable - e.g. ‘performance enhancing drugs’ instead of performance AND enhancing AND drugs

8 Have a go… Using the search grid: Write down your topic Break it down into key terms Think of synonyms, alternative spellings and plurals, truncation, etc

9 drug*sport* OR OR doping athlet* OR steroid* OR amphetamine* AND

10 Selecting your resources - questions What kind of information do you want? - primary, secondary, topic overview, fine detail, statistics, diagrams, images… In what format? - whole books, book chapters, journal articles, proceedings, newspapers…

11 The library catalogue Limited to the fields indexed in the catalogue record Won’t find chapters Wont’ find articles CATALOGUE DEMO

12 Finding articles Via individual journal titles Via databases 1) Science Direct (full text) 2) Web of Knowledge 3) SPORTdiscus

13 Searching the web Why evaluate? 1) Anyone can be a web author 2) No controls over what is posted on the web 3) Very little material is peer-reviewed or edited 4) Much of the information may be out of date 5) Is there bias?


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