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Notes: This nautilus lives in waters at a depth of 600 to 800 meters
Notes: This nautilus lives in waters at a depth of 600 to 800 meters. Often their habitat is at the bottom of a steep slope under coral reefs. At night they use their natural jet propulsion to maneuver up over 325 meters to feed.
Why an “explosion”? What were conditions like at the end of the Proterozoic? Supercontinent was breaking up climate warming after glacial period Increased oxygen in atmosphere More coastal habitat – shelf environments Eukaryotic cells added to diversity Stage was set for larger cells, specialized cells, and multi-celled organisms Sexual reproduction allowed for shuffling of alleles increasing variation within species Result? Rapid diversification of life forms and numbers of families and species occurred during the early Paleozoic. No “explosion” – it took millions of years.
Burgess Shale Diorama of the environment and biota
of the Phyllopod bed of the Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada
Burgess Shale Soft-Bodied Fossils
On August 30 and 31, 1909, Charles D. Walcott, geologist and head of the Smithsonian Institution, discovered the first soft-bodied fossils from the Burgess Shale, a discovery of immense importance in deciphering the early history of life beautifully preserved on bedding planes
More Complete Picture of a Middle Cambrian Community
a rare glimpse into a world previously almost unknown that of the soft-bodied animals that lived some 530 million years ago a much more complete picture of a Middle Cambrian community than deposits containing only fossils of the hard parts of organisms (the bias of the fossil record favors hard parts to be preserved)
Sixty Percent Soft-Bodied
60% of the total Burgess Shale assemblage of more than 100 genera is composed of soft-bodied animals, a percentage comparable to present-day marine communities What conditions led to the remarkable preservation of the Burgess Shale fauna? The site of deposition of the Burgess Shale was located at the base of a steep submarine escarpment
Reason for the Preservation
The animals lived in and on mud banks that formed along the top of this escarpment Periodically, this unstable area would slump and slide down the escarpment as a turbidity current At the base, the mud and animals carried with it were deposited in a deep-water anaerobic environment devoid of life, predators, and O2.
Carbonaceous Impressions
In such an environment, bacterial degradation did not destroy the buried animals and they were compressed by the weight of the overlying sediments and eventually preserved as carbonaceous impressions
Study of Paleozoic Life
Evolution and plate tectonics forcing: Early Paleozoic characterized by The opening and closing of ocean basins, (Wilson Cycles) transgressions and regressions of epeiric seas, as evidenced by Cratonic Sequences the formation of mountain ranges, Orogenies that formed Mobile Belts and the changing positions of the continents had a profound effect on the evolution of the marine and terrestrial communities
Tremendous Biologic Change
appearance of skeletonized animals near the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary marine invertebrates began a period of relatively rapid evolution of body types Paleozoic marine invertebrate community greatly diversified Actually the “explosion” had taken place over millions of years during the Early Cambrian Period
The Cambrian Explosion
At the beginning of the Paleozoic Era, animals with skeletons appeared rather abruptly in the fossil record Microscopic, then larger, visible shelly fauna
Lower Cambrian Shelly Fossil
A conical sclerite* of Lapworthella from Australia * a piece of the armor covering This specimen is several millimeters in size
Lower Cambrian Shelly Fossil
Archaeooides, an enigmatic spherical fossil from the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada This specimen is several millimeters in size
What are advantages of an Exoskeleton
: (1) It provides protection against ultraviolet radiation, allowing animals to move into shallower waters; (2) it helps prevent drying out in an intertidal environment; (3) it provides protection against predators Recent evidence of actual fossils of predators and specimens of damaged prey, as well as antipredatory adaptations in some animals, indicates that the impact of predation during the Cambrian was great
Cambrian Predator Reconstruction of Anamalocaris
a predator from the Early and Middle Cambrian It was about 45 cm long and probably fed on trilobites Its gripping appendages presumably carried food to its mouth
Wounded Trilobite Wounds to the body of the trilobite Olenellus robsonensis The wounds have healed, demonstrating that they occurred when the animal was alive and were not inflicted on an empty shell
Advantages of an Exoskeleton
With predators playing an important role in the Cambrian marine ecosystem, any mechanism or feature that protected an animal would certainly be advantageous and confer an adaptive advantage to the organism (4) A fourth advantage is that a supporting skeleton, whether an exo- or endoskeleton, allows animals to increase their size and provides attachment sites for muscles
Planktonic organisms Plankton are mostly passive and go where currents carry them Plant plankton such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, and various algae, are called phytoplankton and are mostly microscopic Many are photosynthesizers Animal plankton are called zooplankton and are also mostly microscopic Examples of zooplankton include foraminifera, radiolarians, and jellyfish
Nektonic organisms The nekton are swimmers and are mainly vertebrates
such as fish the invertebrate nekton include cephalopods -- chambered, coiled shellfish
Benthic organisms Organisms that live They can be characterized
on or in the seafloor make up the benthos They can be characterized as epifauna (animals) or epiflora (plants), for those that live on the seafloor, or as infauna, which are animals living in and moving through the sediments
Sessile and Mobile The benthos can be further divided
into those organisms that stay in one place, called sessile, and those that move around on or in the seafloor, called mobile
Marine Ecosystem Infauna: worm, bivalve
Mobile epifauna: gastropod, starfish
Marine Ecosystem Where and how animals and plants live in the marine ecosystem Plankton: Jelly fish Sessile epiflora: seaweed Nekton: fish cephalopod Sessile epifauna: bivalve Benthos: d-k crinoid coral
Cambrian Skeletonized Life
Although almost all the major invertebrate phyla evolved during the Cambrian Period many were represented by only a few species While trace fossils are common and echinoderms diverse, the organisms that comprised the majority of Cambrian skeletonized life were trilobites, inarticulate brachiopods, and archaeocyathids
Cambrian Marine Community
Floating jellyfish, swimming arthropods, benthonic sponges, and scavenging trilobites Reconstruction
Trilobites Trilobites were by far the most conspicuous element
of the Cambrian marine invertebrate community and made up about half of the total fauna benthonic mobile sediment-deposit feeders that crawled or swam along the seafloor
Trilobites They first appeared in the Early Cambrian,
rapidly diversified, reached their maximum diversity in the Late Cambrian, and then suffered mass extinctions near the end of the Cambrian from which they never fully recovered As yet no consensus exists on what caused the trilobite extinctions
Trilobite Extinctions
possible reduction of shelf space, increased competition, rise in predators cooling of the seas may have played a role, at the end of the Ordovician Period
Cambrian Brachiopods Cambrian brachiopods
were mostly primitive types called inarticulates They secreted a chitinophosphate shell, composed of the organic compound chitin combined with calcium phosphate (like teeth) Inarticulate brachiopods also lacked a tooth-and-socket-arrangement along the hinge line of their shells
Articulate Brachiopods
The articulate brachiopods, which have a tooth-and-socket arrangement, were also present but did not become abundant until the Ordovician Period
Archaeocyathids The third major group of Cambrian organisms
were the archaeocyathids These organisms were benthonic sessile suspension feeders that constructed reeflike structures
Cambrian Reeflike Structure
Restoration of a Cambrian reeflike structure built by archeocyathids
Back to the Burgess Shale….
The diversity of organisms preserved in the mud that is now the Burgess Shale shows Most modern phyla are represented Additional organisms cannot be placed in the evolutionary tree A primitive chordate may have existed – “Pikaia”
Pikaia, chordate ancestor of vertebrates??
Rare Preservation: Burgess Shale
Ottoia, a carnivorous worm
Rare Preservation: Burgess Shale
Wiwaxia, a scaly armored sluglike creature whose affinities remain controversial
Rare Preservation: Burgess Shale
Hallucigenia, a velvet worm
Rare Preservation: Burgess Shale
Waptia, an anthropod
Cambrian Phyla Thus, the phyla of the Cambrian world
were viewed as being essentially the same in number as the phyla of the present-day world, but with fewer species in each phylum According to this view, the history of life has been simply a gradual increase in the diversity of species within each phylum through time The number of basic body plans has therefore remained more or less constant since the initial radiation of multicelled organisms
Striking Changes in Ordovician
The Cambrian invertebrate community was dominated by trilobites, inarticulate brachiopods, and archaeocyathids, the Ordovician was characterized by the adaptive radiation of many other animal phyla, such as articulate brachiopods, bryozoans, and corals
Middle Ordovician Seafloor Fauna
Recreation of a Middle Ordovician seafloor fauna with cephalopods, crinoids, colonial corals, trilobites, and brachiopods
Mass Extinctions The end of the Ordovician
was a time of mass extinctions in the marine realm More than 100 families of marine invertebrates became extinct, and in North America alone, approximately one-half of the brachiopods and bryozoans died out What caused such an event? Many geologists think these extinctions were the result of the extensive glaciation that occurred in Gondwana at the end of the Ordovician Period
Mass Extinctions Mass extinctions,
those geologically rapid events in which an unusually high percentage of the fauna and/or flora becomes extinct, have occurred throughout geologic time for instance, at or near the end of the Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, and Cretaceous periods and are the focus of much research and debate
Silurian and Devonian Reefs
The Silurian and Devonian reefs were dominated by tabulate and colonial rugose corals and stromatoporoids While the fauna of these Silurian and Devonian reefs was somewhat different from that of earlier reefs and reeflike structures, the general composition and structure are the same as in present-day reefs
Middle Devonian Reef Reconstruction of a Middle Devonian reef from the Great Lakes area with corals, cephalopods, trilobites, crinoids, and brachiopods
Silurian Brackish-Marine Scene
Restoration of a Silurian brackish-marine bottom scene near Buffalo New York with algae, eurypterids, gastropods, worms, and shrimp
Ammonoids Ammonoids are excellent guide fossils
for the Devonian through Cretaceous periods with their distinctive suture patterns, short stratigraphic ranges, and widespread distribution
Ammonoid Cephalopod A late Devonian ammonoid cephalopod
from Erfoud, Morocco The distinctive suture pattern, short stratigraphic range, and wide geographic distribution make ammonoids excellent guide fossils
Another Mass Extinction
occurred near the end of the Devonian and resulted in a worldwide near-total collapse of the massive reef communities On land, however, the seedless vascular plants were seemingly unaffected, Thus, extinctions at this time were most extensive in the marine realm, particularly in the reef and pelagic communities
Permian Period Paleogeography of North America during the Permian Period
Permian Patch-Reef Community
From Glass Mountains of West Texas including algae, productid brachiopods, cephalopods, sponges, and corals
The Permian Marine Invertebrate Extinction Event
The greatest recorded mass extinction event to affect Earth occurred at the end of the Permian Period Before the Permian ended, roughly 50% of all marine invertebrate families and about 90% of all marine invertebrate species became extinct
Phanerozoic Diversity
Diversity for marine invertebrate and vertebrate families 3 episodes of Paleozoic mass extinctions are visible with the greatest occurring at the end of the Permian Period
Mass Extinction What caused such a crisis
for both marine and land-dwelling organisms? Various hypotheses have been proposed, but no completely satisfactory answer has yet been found Some scenarios put forth to explain the extinctions include (1) a meteorite impact such as occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period (2) a widespread marine regression resulting from glacial conditions,
Permian Mass Extinction
(3) a reduction in shelf space due to the formation of Pangaea, (4) oceanographic changes such as anoxia, salinity changes, and turnover of deep-ocean waters It appears that the Permian mass extinction took place over millions of years at the end of the Permian Period, which would seemingly rule out a meteorite impact
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