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Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL) May 2, 2011 – Lansing, MI Rob Dickinson, Grand Rapids Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL) May 2, 2011 – Lansing, MI Rob Dickinson, Grand Rapids Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL) May 2, 2011 – Lansing, MI Rob Dickinson, Grand Rapids Public Schools

2 Housekeeping:  SB-CEU cards  Lunch  Questions  Here  Webinar sites

3 Agenda:  10:00 – Intro & Overview  11:00 – PIC & SCED codes  12:00 – Lunch  1:00 – Who to report and what to report on them  2:00 – Application walkthrough  3:00 – End

4 What we’re here to do:  Learn TSDL submission requirements  What needs to be done, and when  Who needs to be reported, and what needs to be reported on them  Pitfalls to avoid

5 What we’re NOT here to do:  Debate merits of student growth in teacher evaluations  Argue the relevance/adequacy of funding for this collection

6 How we Got Here:  MCL 380.1249 – Districts are required to conduct annual educator evaluations that include student growth as a significant factor.  Passed in 2009 as part of Michigan’s Race to the Top application

7 How we Got Here:  $1.3 billion distributed to schools through the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund  Required that all Districts report the effectiveness label generated by these evaluations in their REP submission

8 How we Got Here:  State School Aid Act Section 94a  Approximately $5 per student to support the efforts of Districts to match individual teacher and student records

9 How we Got Here:  June 2010 – CEPI formed TSDL Workgroup  LEA, ISD, CEPI & MDE reps  Met monthly, June – November  Hashed out details  Extremely collaborative effort

10 How we Got Here:  May 2011 – TSDL collection goes Live  Special Thanks to Kathy Ott, Jackson ISD

11 Definitions:  CEPI  Center for Educational Performance and Information  MSDS  Michigan Student Data System  Data reporting system used by CEPI to collect student level data  Several collections during year, TSDL is just one

12 Definitions:  REP  Registry of Educational Personnel  Another collection system used by CEPI to collect information on school employees  Teacher of record  Certified teacher responsible for the instruction the student received and providing the grade  May not be District employee  Can report up to 3 per student/course

13 Definitions:  NCES  National Center for Educational Statistics  Part of US Department of Education  Produced lists of common course codes – SCED  School Codes for the Exchange of Data  Secondary and prior-to-secondary versions

14 Definitions:  Schema  List of data fields (characteristics) in a data file & what rules each characteristic must follow  Data rules  Business rules  XML  Extensible Markup Language  Very flexible format for transferring data files  Difficult to display compared to flat files  Particular data fields can be present, absent, or present many times

15 Definitions:  3 C’s  Characteristic  Particular data element on a record  Component  Group of characteristics always reported together  Different collections, the component stays the same  Collection  Group of components always reported together

16 Definitions:  Required vs Conditional vs Optional  Required – Characteristic MUST be submitted for EVERY record  Conditional – Required for certain students, can be enforced by collection application  Optional – Required for certain students, application can’t enforce.

17 TSDL Student Course Component Data Characteristics Subject Area Code (from SCED) Course Identifier Code (from SCED) Local Course ID Local Course Title Local Course Section ID Course Type Academic Year Credits Granted Course Grade (grade student received in class, not student’s grade level) Completion Status PIC (from REP) Virtual Delivery Mentor Teacher Some of these data elements may or may not be required for your building and/or grade levels These are NOT the actual field names

18 Questions PIC and SCED Codes

19 PIC code  PIC  Personnel Identification Code  Issued by CEPI, originally for use in REP  UIC for school employees  Follows employee across Michigan  3 - 10 digit number  actual number (no leading zeros)

20 PIC code  Probably stored in your HR system  Needs to be cross-walked into Student management system  Any staff member who taught during 2010-11 school year.

21 PIC code  Exceptions:  State approved CTE courses  Post-Secondary Courses  Resource and Support teachers  May include non-employees

22 WARNING!!  Some HR systems - real time only  Data may not be stored on non- current teachers  Start working NOW to find teachers in SMS who may no longer be in your HR system  Don’t wait for summer!

23 PIC code  Access from CEPI through REP system  Each District should have REP authorized user  Contact for data  Work through mismatches  START NOW!

24 PIC code  REP system not always active  CEPI created REP PIC Service  PIC Lookup and/or creation  Separate authorization from rest of REP  2 levels:  Lookup only  Lookup & creation authority  Current authorized users can use as well

25 PIC code  Returns:  Name  Gender  Birthdate  SSN  Teaching Credential License number  PIC  Can only be viewed by REP authorized users

26 ATTENTION CTEIS Users!  Gender & Birthdate  Included for CTE reporting  Published specs ask for both data  Rescinded for 2011 collection  Not required for 2011 CTEIS reporting  CTEIS Issue ONLY, not a TSDL issue

27 PIC code  Security agreement  CEPI Website  REP page  “Upload REP Data to CEPI”  User’s & Training Guides also available

28 PIC code


30 NCES SCED Codes  Two sets of codes:  “Prior-to-Secondary School Course Code Classification System: School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED)” – grades K-8 and 14  pubid=2011801 pubid=2011801  NOTE: Subject Code 73 NOT in document Bookmarks, but is at end of Subject Code 72

31 NCES SCED Codes  Two sets of codes:  “The Secondary School Course Code Classification System: School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED)” – grades 6-12 and 14  p?pubid=2007341

32 NCES SCED Codes  Two data elements (characteristics):  SCED Subject code  2 digit numeric string  01 – English  02 – Mathematics  Required for 2011 year & on

33 NCES SCED Codes  Two data elements (characteristics):  SCED course code  3 digit numeric string  001 – 9 th Grade English, Informal Math, etc.  002 – 10 th Grade English, General Math, etc.

34 NCES SCED Codes  Two data elements (characteristics):  SCED Course code is data ‘fragment’  Must have subject code with it to mean anything  Required for 2012 year & on

35 WARNING!  Make sure whoever writes reports from your SMS knows, never report by SCED Course code alone  ALWAYS use both Subject and Course Codes together  Consider storing as 1 field (ask your tech people)

36 NCES SCED Codes  REP Assignment Code crosswalk  Excel Spreadsheet:  SCED subject and Course code  Course Title  REP Assignment Code  List of allowed Certifications  Excellent tool for assigning NCES codes to local courses

37 NCES SCED Codes

38  Hundreds of courses to match, START SOON!  Subject code ONLY required for 2011  Course code allowed to be reported, but not required  Will be required in 2012

39 WARNING!  Try to get REP assignment and cert stored in SMS system too!  Compare these cert & assignment codes to HR’s list of employee’s assignment & cert codes  Two long standing, separate system, matched for the first time  Data Quality reports  No audits or adverse consequences YET

40 WARNING!  Watch for CEPI updates of crosswalk  Encourage CEPI to highlight changes in new versions of crosswalk  Thanks, Lynne!

41 Questions Lunch

42 Who & What is reported?  TSDL Collection  4 Components:  Submitting Entity  Personal Core  School Demographics  Student Course  Schema for each on CEPI MSDS webpage  “MSDS collection Matrix”  XML schema on TSDL webpage

43 Who & What is reported?  Submitting Entity  Existing component  District entity code  Submit once per record

44 Who & What is reported?  Personal Core Component  Existing component  Identifies the student  Name  UIC  etc  Submit once per record

45 WARNING!  All students need UIC numbers for this submission  No blank records  If new students this summer, use SRM to get new UIC on student, then submit TSDL  Also, demographic data WILL be changed by this submission  Pepe will update core data  Non-core - last entered  Will not change PEPE or cohort data

46 Who & What is reported?  School Demographics Component  New component, existing characteristics  District, school, grade, local student ID  Subset of Entity Demographics  Excludes data from E.D. not relevant to TSDL  Submit once per record, not necessarily once per student

47 WARNING!  Students change schools & grades during year  Requires additional student record for each grade & school where the course is recorded in the student’s academic record  All course & instructor information in each record will be associated with the school in the School Demographics component

48 WARNING!  Students in self-contained special ed classrooms may be reported in Grade ’14’ (ungraded special ed) for this count.  Certain Course grades, completion statuses will only be available if you use ’14’.

49 Who & What is reported?  Student Course Component  New Component  Courses taken, grades achieved (if applicable), Teacher of record, for each course recorded on students academic record  Submit at least once per record

50 Student Course Component  SubjectAreaCode (required)  SCED Subject (2 digits)  CourseIdentifierCode  SCED Course (3 digits)  Optional 2011, required 2012  LocalCourseId (required)  Your District’s course code  LocalCourseTitle (required)  Your District’s course name

51 WARNING!  LocalCourseTitle  Be sure how your student record system stores this information  Is it static, or kept by schoolyear?  If you change a course name for next year, will references to the course from prior years now have that new name?  If you submit multiple times, and LocalCourseTitle changes, it will create a duplicate record in TSDL.

52 Student Course Component  CourseSectionId(optional)  The section # the student took  CourseType (required)  2 digit code (numeric string)  Normal Class, or one of several types of advanced course  01 – regular (default)  Others - AP, Honors, IB, Dual Enrollment

53 Student Course Component  Academic Year (optional)  Allows for updating grades from previous years  Not needed for current year entries  CreditsGranted (conditional)  Credit granted for this course in Carnegie Units  Required for Subject codes 01-22, unless grade=“14” or completion status shows audit or ongoing

54 WARNING!  Carnegie Units – 1 course taken for a full year = 1 credit.  If your district uses another system to count credits towards graduation, you’ll need to translate to Carnegie.  Can be done now!

55 Student Course Component  CourseGrade (conditional)  Final grade given to student for this course  Should match format of what goes on academic records  Required for Subject codes 01-22, unless grade=“14” or completion status shows audit or ongoing

56 Student Course Component  CompletionStatus (required)  1 or 2 letter code  Shows student’s status at completion of course  Completed & passed, Completed & failed, withdrawn, Incomplete, Auditing, Tested Out, etc.  Two codes “CS” and “OE” are for grade 14 students only

57 Student Course Component  PIC (conditional)  1 PIC minimum required for each Component entry, 3 maximum for team teaching  Not needed for Dual Enrollment, or CTE courses  For Dual Enrollment, be sure to submit with CourseType=“07”, CTE, use “00” as SubjectAreaCode

58 Student Course Component  VirtualDelivery (optional)  Yes/No field  Only needed when “Yes”  Was this course, for this student, delivered virtually  MentorTeacher (optional)  Yes/No field  Only needed when “Yes”  Can only be reported when VirtualDelivery is “Yes”  Was the PIC listed for a teacher acting as a mentor, rather than a teacher of record

59 WARNING!  VirtualDelivery – is this particular course, for this particular student, delivered virtually?  How are virtual vs non-virtual courses differentiated in your system  Different course codes – Are they easy to tell?  Different Section #, but same course codes – is there a marker in the section #  No differentiation, 2 kids in same course & section, one online, one not  Be SURE that how your vendor wants to set virtual markers works with how you organize your classes

60 Who & What is reported?  Who is reported?  K – 12 students need at least 1 course & PIC submitted  Exceptions:  Pre-K  Adult Ed (even if 16-19)  Special ed over 22 (as of 9/1)  Shared Time, home-schooled & non-public

61 Who & What is reported?  Part year students  Enter or leave the School/District mid year  If they are there long enough that the course(s) would be entered on their academic record, even if no grade is given, then they should be reported  Very short-term students need not be reported

62 WARNING!  Students who leave part way through the year  How does your student record system retain information of students no longer attending your schools?  Can it pull course and grade histories, and school and grade information, on ex-students the same way it does on current students?  Make sure your vendor is aware that you need to retain data on past students within the school year and report them on TSDL  DON’T WAIT

63 Who & What is reported?  Elementary vs Secondary  Elementary students  Can use general grade level elementary course (Subject Area 73 courses)  Can also use ungraded course for self-contained special ed.  If specific course data is available, it can be reported, but isn’t required (subject areas 51-72)

64 Who & What is reported?  Elementary vs Secondary  Elementary students  73030 – K student  73031 – 1 st grade  …  73037 – 7 th grade  73038 – 8 th grade  73039 – non-grade differentiated education

65 Who & What is reported?  Elementary vs Secondary  Secondary Students  Should report each course that is recorded on academic record, even if a final grade is not earned  If it goes on the academic record, report it  Needs subject – specific course codes (in 2012), area codes 00-22

66 Who & What is reported?  Elementary vs Secondary  K- 8, grades 6-8, elementary or secondary?  Report them as you treat them  1 class all day with same teacher, report as elementary  Hourly attendance, students change classes, graded in discreet classes, then it’s secondary

67 Who & What is reported?  Special Cases  Summer School – reported by providing District  Reported in collection ended 8/31 of that year

68 WARNING!  Summer school courses offered during this coming summer are expected to be reported with THIS submission by 8/31  Many summer school programs & teachers are not used to being “on-the-spot” with reporting of grades  They need to be warned, followed up with to ensure all grades get reported ON TIME  How are summer school classes recorded in your SMS? Same as others, or will special attention be needed?  DON’T WAIT!

69 Who & What is reported?  Resource teachers  Pullout art, music, resource room may not be reported  Itinerants  Report all you can  Not EVERY teacher will get reported

70 WARNING!  Remember that ALL teachers are required to have student growth used as part of evaluation, even if they have no TSDL reporting for them  Use building averages, testing results, etc.  District determines, but must use something

71 Who & What is reported?  Special Cases  CTE courses (State approved)  Don’t report AT ALL, or report with ’00’ subject code  If reported, PIC not required  However, if reported, all other rules must be met  Non-State approved, submit as any other course

72 Who & What is reported?  Special Cases  Dual Enrollment & early/middle college – No PIC needed  Grade changes after submission – can be submitted with appropriate AcademicYear, but not required  Starting in 2011-12

73 Who & What is reported?  Special Cases  Cooperative Education  Student taking courses in multiple districts  PEPE district is responsible  Cooperative agreements can specify who reports  Make sure growth data gets back to educating district

74 WARNING!  Cooperative ed students can be reported by whichever district the two decide on (remember that PEPE district is responsible)  However, districts can ONLY report on their own buildings  If reporting student’s grades at another district, use their teacher’s PIC, your building code  Perhaps best if educating district reports, if you can get agreement

75 Who & What is reported?  WHEN?  Currently, all Districts must finish their submissions and certify by 8/31  Can submit multiple times, only 1 certification is required  However, watch for changes between uploads if using multiple uploads

76 WARNING!  8/31 is after most Districts rollover their student record system  Will grades, schools change at rollover?  Can old grades, teachers, building assignments be accessed after rollover  Make sure you understand what effect rollover will have on your District’s data availability and plan accordingly  Also, consider summer vacations, accessibility of school year staff  DON’T WAIT!

77 Questions Application Walkthrough
























101 WARNING!  Last Warning  Error free is not the same as accurate!  Pay attention to the reports for errors, know reasons for discrepancies  Your staff will not like what is done with this submission  Will want to blame the data  Be ready to defend your report  (I know, I know!) DON’T WAIT!!

102 Getting Help! ,1607,7-113- 986_50502_57560---,00.html,1607,7-113- 986_50502_57560---,00.html   Click on CEPI Applications in left column  Click on Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) in the new menu  Click on “Teacher Student Data Link” in center column, mid page, above words “TRAINING EVENTS”

103 Getting Help!

104  or (517) 335-0505, option 3  Consider joining MPAAA  Spring Conference May 16 – 18, Grand Traverse Resort, Traverse City  Fall LP Conference – September 12-13, Radison Hotel, Kalamazoo  Fall UP Conference – September 19-20, Island Resort, Harris  CEPI SRSD Listserv  or (616) 819-2085

105 Questions Thank You!

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