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Midterm 1 Mean 71%. Detection and Loudness For example, tones of different frequencies that are judged to be equally loud have different SPLs (dB)

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm 1 Mean 71%. Detection and Loudness For example, tones of different frequencies that are judged to be equally loud have different SPLs (dB)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm 1 Mean 71%

2 Detection and Loudness For example, tones of different frequencies that are judged to be equally loud have different SPLs (dB)

3 Auditory Scene Analysis Effect of pitch proximity: Pitch Do you hear this? Pitch Or this? closefar

4 To Go Over Your Test: Email Mitch for an appointment

5 Binocular Disparity Binocular disparity is the difference between the two images

6 Binocular Disparity Binocular disparity is the difference between the two images Disparity depends on where the object is relative to the fixation point: –objects closer than fixation project images that “cross” –objects farther than fixation project images that do not “cross”

7 Binocular Disparity points nearer than horopter have crossed disparity points farther than horopter have uncrossed disparity The Horopter

8 Binocular Disparity Why don’t we see double vision?

9 Binocular Disparity Why don’t we see double vision? Images with a small enough disparity are fused into a single image

10 Binocular Disparity Images of objects near to the horopter are fused in your “cyclopean view” Beyond Panum’s area the images are diplopic Why don’t you notice? Panum’s Area

11 Stereograms seeing depth requires “only” two different images on the retina

12 Stereograms seeing depth requires “only” two different images on the retina this could be accomplished by an optical device that projects separate images into the two eyes

13 Presenting Binocular Images Various ways to add depth: –1. Stereoscope

14 Presenting Binocular Images Various ways to add depth: –glasses with different lenses

15 Presenting Binocular Images Various ways to add depth: –glasses with different lenses

16 Presenting Binocular Images Various ways to add depth: –glasses with different lenses

17 Presenting Binocular Images Various ways to add depth: –LCD Shutter Glasses

18 Stereograms Left Eye Right Eye Divider Right eye sees face to the right; left eye sees face to the left therefore: uncrossed disparity Face appears behind the square

19 Stereograms Left Eye Right Eye Divider What would you see?

20 Stereograms Left Eye Right Eye Divider Right eye sees face to the left; left eye sees face to the right therefore: crossed disparity Face appears in front of square

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