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 Question: What film character is a good analogy to a computer?  Answer Answer  It is actually a very simple machine: It executes exactly what it.

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3  Question: What film character is a good analogy to a computer?  Answer Answer  It is actually a very simple machine: It executes exactly what it is told to do

4 SERVER web page repository WEB PAGE instructions stores information and instructions BROWSER retrieves web page and follows instructions Server Web Server Pages Client Browser 1 3 2


6  To create your page, we will use Komodo EditorKomodo Editor  To share your web page, we will use the UNC SERVER, ISIS (  To transfer your page to ISIS, we will use FilezillaFilezilla

7  Simple steps › Create your home page locally › Transfer pages › Test it from another machine  Have ONE folder where you always work locally  Be sure that you have the current version of your page


9 Put your title here What will appear on the page Here … and there

10  HTML should be used for defining WHAT is on the page NOT how it LOOKS  Why? › Consistency › Alternate presentation

11  Two types of commands › Single commands › Start/end commands..  Tags can have additional information associated with them – attributes … › command-specific attributes › generally applicable like class  Blank lines and spaces don’t matter

12  Regular text = paragraph › …  Headers › h1 thru h6 › NOT order › Different styles  Long quote ›

13  Unordered › Bulleted  Ordered › Numbers or letters  Definition › Terms & definitions

14  Exception to formatting: › use for simple emphasis within paragraph  Bold …  Italic …  Underline …

15  Two commands › short › EXP  Generally the same › Difference for text-to-speech  letter-by-letter  word-like

16  Required › Table › Row › Data  Optional elements › Header (replaces data) › Caption › Thead (contains rows) › Tfoot (contains rows) › Tbody (contains rows)  REQUIRED if thead or tfoot  Can contain anything › Other tables › Pictures › …

17  Tables  Divs

18 Practice Additional Tutorials ient-Side-Coding/HTML/basics-of- html/page1.html Cheat Sheet: Bare Bones Guide to HTML

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