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Starting a Farm Business Insights and Observations.

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1 Starting a Farm Business Insights and Observations

2 K & M Farms

3 Google: New Farm Start-up Guide BC

4 5 Traits of Successful Farmers 1. Passion 2. Marketing 3. Ingenuity, Creativity and Adaptability 4. Perseverance 5. Continuing Education and Networking

5 Production, Marketing and Selling Sell before you grow! Build your production and market together! ◦ Produce what you can sell plus a bit more Price ◦ There can only be one low cost producer and it won’t be you!!!!! ◦ Compete on your competitive advantage, and price accordingly!!!! ◦ Don’t discount – sample or donate Marketing & Promotion ◦ Use them all – no one method is best and all methods complement each other.  Web page is becoming the common denominator ◦ Your marketing should reflect the quality of your product.

6 Other Issues Human Resources ◦ Don’t abuse your family and friends goodwill – hire part time to fill needs Agri Invest – farmers pension plan Social Responsibility Management Accounting ◦ Unit cost of production Reporting ◦ WCB ◦ HST/GST ◦ Revenue Canada Succession

7 Growth Labour ◦ Choose labour minimizing systems from the start ◦ Hire outside labour earlier rather than later. ◦ Look for interns, wwoofers, part time retirees. Machinery ◦ At the start share, barter, borrow ◦ Be objective about your needs vs wants ◦ When you are big enough and growing– get all the power and accessories you will need Markets ◦ Farm direct – CSA - Farmers Markets - Wholesale

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