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Psychoeducational Testing Psychoeducational testing uses psychological test to analyze the mental processes underlying the child’s educational performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychoeducational Testing Psychoeducational testing uses psychological test to analyze the mental processes underlying the child’s educational performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychoeducational Testing Psychoeducational testing uses psychological test to analyze the mental processes underlying the child’s educational performance.

2 Psychoeducational Tests  Woodcock – Johnson III (WJ III) (WJ III)(WJ III)  Differential Ability Scale (DAS)  Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC II)

3 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children II (K-ABC II)(K-ABC II) Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children II (K-ABC II)(K-ABC II) n Alan and Nadeen Kaufman n K-ABC 1983 n KABC II - 2004 n Was 2 ½ years to 12 ½, revised 3 - 18 n Core tests 25 to 55 minutes – Luria model n Supplementary 35 to 70 minutes - CHC

4 Purpose of test n Cognitive assessment n Psychological and clinical assessment n Psychoeducational evaluation of learning disabilities (LD and ADHD) n Educational planning and placement n Minority group assessment – culture fair n Preschool assessment n Neuropsychological assessment n Research

5 Theoretical base n Dual Cognitive Theoretical Base Neuropsychology Neuropsychology Cattell’s theory (CHC) Cattell’s theory (CHC) general intelligence general intelligence crystalized intelligence = achievement crystalized intelligence = achievement fluid intelligence = mental processing fluid intelligence = mental processing specific intelligences specific intelligences

6 Mental processing n neuropsychological model Based on Luria’s work on cognitive functioning Based on Luria’s work on cognitive functioning n Sequential = serialist n Simultaneous = parallel (holist)

7 Psychometric properties n Strong on: factor structure normsreliability validity (internal and external) (some floor and ceiling effects)

8 19 sub tests (total possible all ages) 4 or 5 Indexes mean of 100, standard deviation of 15 Sequential processing (L) Simultaneous processing (L) Learning ability (L) Planning ability (L) Crystallized ability (CHC)

9 Sequential Processing (short term memory) n Hand movement n Number recall n Word order

10 Simultaneous processing (visual processing) n Face recognition n Gestalt closure n Triangles n Rover n Pattern reasoning n Block counting n Conceptual thinking

11 Planning Ability (fluid reasoning) n Pattern recognition n Story completion

12 Learning Ability (long term storage and retrieval) n Atlantis n Atlantis Delayed n Rebus n Rebus Delayed

13 Crystallized Ability (knowledge) n Expressive vocabulary n Riddles n Verbal knowledge


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