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Presented by Travieso Gonzalez

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1 Presented by Travieso Gonzalez
A Disneyland Dilemma: Two-Part Tariffs for a Mickey Mouse Monopoly By Walter Y. Oi Presented by Travieso Gonzalez

2 A two-part tariff is one in which the consumer pays a lump sum sum for the right to buy a product.
Examples Copying machines, Country club fees, SAM’s, and rate structures of some public utilities.

3 A two-part tariff introduces a discontinuity in the consumer’s budget equation:
XP+Y=M-T if X>0 Y=M if X=0

4 Under two-part tariff, the consumer’s demand for rides depends on the price per ride P, income M, and the lump sum admission tax T X=D(P, M-T)

5 If there is only one consumer, or if all consumers have exactly the same utility functions and incomes, we can determine an optimal two-part tariff for the monopoly Profits are given by Where C(X) is the total cost function

6 Differentiation with respect to T gives us:
Where c’ is the marginal cost of producing an additional ride.

7 The max lump sum tax T* that can be charged is

8 Differentiating profit with respect to P we get:
From before we get Or



11 The total profits can be given by, and reduced to only one parameter the price P
Where X is the market demand for rides T=T* is the smallest of the N consumer surpluses, and C(X) is the total cost function.

12 Set dπ/dP equal to zero to obtain the optimum price


14 A discriminatory two part tariff, in which price is equated to marginal cost and all consumer surpluses are appropriated by lump sum taxes, is best of all pricing strategies for profit-maximizing monopoly.

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