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1 客製化 H.323 協定之智慧型網路 電話監控與錄音系統之研製 Adviser : Kai-wei Ke Speaker : Chia-Jui Tsai Intelligent monitoring and recording system implementation for Customized.

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Presentation on theme: "1 客製化 H.323 協定之智慧型網路 電話監控與錄音系統之研製 Adviser : Kai-wei Ke Speaker : Chia-Jui Tsai Intelligent monitoring and recording system implementation for Customized."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 客製化 H.323 協定之智慧型網路 電話監控與錄音系統之研製 Adviser : Kai-wei Ke Speaker : Chia-Jui Tsai Intelligent monitoring and recording system implementation for Customized H.323-based Internet phone

2 2 Outline Introduction Background  Standard H.323  Customized H.323 Intelligent monitoring and recording system  System Environment of Network  System function block  Classification of packet DEMO Conclusion and Futures Works

3 Introduction VoIP is the popular application of the Internet Therefore, requirement of the audio recording system growing day by day VoIP protocol  H.323  SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) 3

4 4 Outline Introduction Background  Standard H.323  Customized H.323 Intelligent monitoring and recording system  System Environment of Network  System function  Classification of packet DEMO Conclusion and Futures Works

5 About Standard H.323 H.323 is a multimedia conferencing protocol, which includes audio, video, and data conferencing over packet-switched networks  The first version published by the ITU in November 1996  The current version of H.323, commonly referred to as "H.323v6", was published in 2006 Elements of an H.323 System  Terminals  Gatekeeper  Multipoint Control Units (MCU)  Gateway 5

6 H.323 Network Structure 6

7 H.323 Protocol Stack 7

8 Standard H.323 Call Flow Chart 8

9 About Customized H.323 What is customized H.323 ?  部份的 H.323 終端設備製造商為了賺取更高的利潤而藉由更改 H.323 的標準, 使他們的產品差異化, 藉此提供 Standard H.323 所沒 有的額外加值服務 What different about standard and customized H.323?  Call Signal  Call Flow 9

10 Customized H.323 Call Flow Chart 10

11 Register flow Detail 11

12 Call flow Detail 12

13 Call flow Detail (Cont.) 13

14 14 Outline Introduction Background  Standard H.323  Customized H.323 Intelligent monitoring and recording system  System Environment of Network  System function block  Classification of packet DEMO Conclusion and Futures Works

15 System Environment of Network 15

16 System function block 16

17 Classification of packet 17

18 18 Outline Introduction Background  Standard H.323  Customized H.323 Intelligent monitoring and recording system  System Environment of Network  System function block  Classification of packet  DEMO Conclusion and Futures Works

19 DEMO 19

20 Conclusion and Futures Works Conclusions  Custom H.323 Signal 分析  通話狀態追蹤  聲音還原品質 Futures Works  影像的錄製與還原  聲紋辨識 20

21 Reference 【 1 】 Hong Liu and Petros Mouchtaris, “ Voice over IP Signaling:H.323 and Beyond”, IEEE Communications Magazine, pp.142-148, October 2000 【 2 】 “Understanding H.323 Gatekeepers” from Cisco,Document ID:5244 【 3 】黃威穎, “H.323 網路電話音訊監控與錄製系統之研製 ” ,國立台北科技大學 資訊 工程研究所, 2008 ,七月 【 4 】曾致皓, “H.323 網路電話視訊監控與錄製系統之研製 ” ,國立台北科技大學 資訊 工程研究所, 2008 ,七月 21

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