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Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Web Enablement for the Pacific Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Web Enablement for the Pacific Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Web Enablement for the Pacific Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal fisheries to climate change Scientific support for the management of Coastal and Oceanic Fisheries in the Pacific Islands region (SciCOFish) Funded by European Union (10 th EDF)

2 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Climate change monitoring Climate change monitoring involves long-term datasets from numerous partners and observation data must be made available  Need for a system to share sensor observations Climate change trends are slow compared to interannual or interdecadal climate variability. The trends can be biased by sensors & process: Sensor accuracy Change in methodology/sensor/location  Need for rigorous metadata about sensors, processes and observations

3 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium Standards Web Map Service (WMS) Requests for geo-referenced map images 1999: WMS 1.0.0 2004: WMS 1.3.0 Web Feature Service (WFS) Requests for geographical features (vector data in GML) 2002: WFS 1.0.0 2009: WFS 2.0.0 Web Coverage Service (WCS) Requests for geographical coverages (raster data in GeoTIFF) 2003: WCS 1.0.0 2009: WCS 2.0.0 Some implementations of these services ArcGIS Server, Geomedia WebMap, MapXtreme, Geoserver, MapServer,… (see for full list)

4 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium Standards OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Standards Standards to exploit web connected sensors and sensor data. 1.0.0 version released in 2006-2007. Information models Observation & Measurement Schema (O&M) Encoding of observations and measurements Sensor Model Language (SensorML) Describes sensor systems and processes Transducer Markup Language (TransducerML) Describes transducers (response model) Web services Sensor Observation Service (SOS) Provides access to observations Sensor Planning Service (SPS) Tasks acquisition from sensors Sensor Alert Service (SAS) Subscribe to specific alert type Web Notification Service (WNS) Asynchronous communication for long requests

5 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Observation & Measurement Schema “An observation is an event that estimates an observed property of a feature of interest using a procedure and generating result.” Feature of interest Domain specific feature, which is a representation of the observation target for which the observation is made. Earth realm (ocean, river, sea surface,...) Named region, location (Micronesia, Kimbe Bay) Event (cyclone Erica) System (sensor) Observed property Phenomenon for which the observation result provides an estimate of its value. Temperature Humidity Procedure Description of a process used to generate the result (sensor, model, observer) Result Value generated by the procedure Additional properties Sampling Time, Result Time, Parameter, Metadata, Result Quality

6 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Observation & Measurement Schema “An observation is an event that estimates an observed property of a feature of interest using a procedure and generating result.” 2010-10-14T00:22:12+11:00 Weather station of Zsyxx 160.124 -22.14 41 When How What Where Value

7 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML/TransducerML There are many ways of measuring a single physical value ! °C °F K

8 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML/TransducerML SensorML is used to define physical (detectors,...) and non-physical (classification, image processing, spatial transforms,...) processes Description Parameters Metadata General information (identifier and classifier) Constraints (valid time, legal constraints) Properties (capabilities and characteristics) References (contacts and documentation) History Inputs (observed phenomena or incoming data for a non-physical process) Outputs (data created by the process)

9 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML examples Example: Garmin GPS 17 HVS <?<sml:SensorML SensorML instance for a Garmin GPS Garmin GPS 17HVS Garmin 17HVS GPS 12 Identifier Classification Characteristics Description

10 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML examples Some outputs of the GPS sensor Position Number of samples Operation time

11 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML examples System capabilities of a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Sensor 7000 EEPROM 2960000

12 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML examples System inputs of a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Sensor Sea Water Temperature Sea Water Conductivity Sea Water Pressure

13 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 SensorML examples System outputs of a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Sensor Sea Water Temperature -10.0 100.0 0.002 Sea Water Conductivity 0 10.0 0.0003

14 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Observation Service 1.0 GetCapabilities() Capabilities Response DescribeSensor() SensorML/TML GetObservation() O&M Data SOS ServerSOS Client Obtention of sensor description and observations through SOS

15 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Observation Service 2.0 GetObservationByID GetFeatureOfInterest InsertSensor DeleteSensor InsertObservation InsertResult InsertResultTemplate GetResultTemplate GetResult SOS 2.0 (RFC at the moment) extends SOS 1.0 SOS ServerSOS Client

16 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Web Enablement for climate change data Climate change monitoring constraints: Need for a system to share sensor observations Need for rigorous metadata about sensors, processes and observations  O&M schema provides a standard for observations  SensorML provides a standard for sensors and processes metadata  SOS provides a mechanism to access that information SWE

17 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal fisheries to climate change SPC is deploying temperature scientific-grade sensors in some pilot sites for long term monitoring of sea surface temperature in reef areas. The data will be made freely available on SPC web site through Sensor Observation Service in 2011.

18 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Some existing Sensor Observation Service servers NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Institute for Geoinformatics University of Münster weather data Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) Sensor Data Bus

19 Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS User Conference 2010, Suva, 23-26 November 2010 Sensor Web Enablement resources OGC Sensor Web Enablement working group OGC SWE Standards Implementing Sensor Observation Service

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