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Using the Class Dependency Analyzer for OODT By Joshua Garcia.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Class Dependency Analyzer for OODT By Joshua Garcia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Class Dependency Analyzer for OODT By Joshua Garcia

2 Motivation A software system has many dependencies – Programming language level Finding relevant dependencies Displaying dependencies in an understandable form Usable Simple

3 Motivation – iRODS - Prescriptive 3 Source:

4 Motivation – iRODS - Descriptive 4

5 Overview Class Dependency Analyzer (CDA) – Find dependencies – Visualize them – Relatively Usable and Simple Granularity – Package, class, jar, directory structure

6 Compiling OODT You will need Apache Maven Please refer to the Maven website about how to install Maven Maven will need to download dependencies Compiling all of OODT takes long – If you want try compiling all of OODT, going to the top directory containing all the source directories and a pom.xml file and type mvn install You can change to each source directory in the OODT tar.gz file that has a pom.xml and use the following command to compile – mvn install Compiling with Maven – Go to the core directory of OODT and type “mvn install” without the quotes

7 Installation of CDA Unzip the archive to any directory you want. Then ensure that environment variable JAVA_HOME is set to a Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0 or higher. Open a command shell in the directory to which you unzipped the archive. Run the script sssgen.bat or to generate a start shell script that invokes the tool with absolute classpath entries in order to allow to start it from anywhere in the file system. Eventually a run.bat (or on Linux) must be available in the directory Source:

8 Importing Source to Analyze File->New Workset Wizard dialog appears In the General tab, enter a Name in the associated text box In the Classpath tab, click the add button – Can select jar, Eclipse.classpath file, folder containing.class files Display Filter tab and Ignore Filter tab – Filter out package patterns Once you click the save button in the Workset Wizard, you will be asked to save your workset.

9 Highlighted Features Find – All dependents – Direct dependents – All implementors – …. Graphs that show all dependencies between two classes Show dependency, graph, or hierarchy view for selected elements Tabular views of dependencies – Copy and paste to text Different icons for different kinds of entities Finding main methods – Right click on the workset row or icon Find duplicate classes Circular dependencies – Doesn’t seem to work

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