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A Tragic Legacy. Literally means “sacrifice by fire” The systematic mass slaughter of millions of Europeans, especially Jews, by the Nazis during WWII.

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Presentation on theme: "A Tragic Legacy. Literally means “sacrifice by fire” The systematic mass slaughter of millions of Europeans, especially Jews, by the Nazis during WWII."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Tragic Legacy

2 Literally means “sacrifice by fire” The systematic mass slaughter of millions of Europeans, especially Jews, by the Nazis during WWII 11 million victims The largest group targeted by the Nazis were Jews (6 million)

3 Millions

4 75%

5 90%

6 Homosexuals Gypsies The Disabled Political dissidents Poles Jehovah’s Witnesses Catholics Soviet Prisoners of War Memorial to homosexual victims of the Holocaust

7 The first concentration camp opens in 1933

8 Dachau 1933

9 New arrivals at Buchenwald 1938 Most were arrested during Kristalnacht

10 Occupied Territories Treblinka opened in Poland in 1943 This was an extermination camp These rails once led prisoners into the camp

11 April 1945 American G.I.s discover Holocaust victims at Dachau


13 Liberations continue as Allied Forces invade Germany and the occupied territories

14 May 7, 1945 Germany Surrenders

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