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The World Conservation Union Countdown 2010 Sebastian Winkler IUCN – International Union for the Conservation of Nature
The World Conservation Union Biodiversity = Species, Genes and Ecosystems Life on Earth
The World Conservation Union Drivers of BD Loss Land-use change and other habitat transformation; The rapidly increasing impacts of climate change. The introduction of invasive alien species; Desertification and degradation in dry and sub-humid lands; The multiple drivers of change to inland water ecosystems; Increasing nutrient loading in ecosystems, and; The consequences of over-fishing
The World Conservation Union 16 EU Headlines ECOSYSTEM INTEGRITY, GOODS AND SERVICES Marine trophic index Connectivity/fragmentation of ecosystems Water quality in aquatic ecosystems SUSTAINABLE USE Area of ecosystems under sustainable management –Forest –Agriculture –Fishery –Aquaculture Ecological footprint STATUS AND TRENDS OF COMPONENTS OF BIODIVERSITY Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems, habitats Coverage of protected areas Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species Change in status of threatened and/or protected species Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, fish species of major socioeconomic importance THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY Nitrogen deposition Numbers and costs of invasive alien species (Trends in invasive alien species) Impact of climate change + Funding to biodiversity + Public awareness & participation + Patent applications
The World Conservation Union … and 26 specific indicators 1. Abundance and distribution of selected species14. Fragmentation of river systems 2. Red List Index for European species 15. Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters 3. Species of European interest16. Freshwater quality 4. Ecosystem coverage17. Forest: Growing stock, increment and fellings 5. Habitats of European interest18. Forest: Deadwood 6. Livestock genetic diversity19. Agriculture: Nitrogen balance 7. Nationally designated protected areas 20. Agriculture: Area under management practices potentially supporting biodiversity 8. Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives 21. Fisheries: European commercial fish stocks 9. Critical load exceedance for nitrogen 22. Aquaculture: Effluent water quality from finfish farms 10. Invasive alien species in Europe23. Ecological Footprint of European countries 11. Occurrence of temperature-sensitive species 24. Patent applications based on genetic resources 12. Marine Trophic Index of European seas25. Financing biodiversity management 13. Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas26. Public awareness
The World Conservation Union Global terrestrial biodiversity development by major biomes, from 1700 to 2050 COPI : MSA statistics indicate that in the “Policy Inaction” scenario :- Global objective (significant reduction in rate of loss) unlikely by 2050 Stricter European goal (halting further loss ) unlikely by 2050
The World Conservation Union Level of Biodiversity in the World in 2000 Using Mean Species Abundance (MSA) indicator Remaining MSA in % Source: Ben ten Brink (MNP) presentation at the Workshop: The Economics of the Global Loss of Biological Diversity 5-6 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium.
The World Conservation Union Source: Ben ten Brink (MNP) presentation at the Workshop: The Economics of the Global Loss of Biological Diversity 5-6 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium. Level of Biodiversity in the World in 2050 One Scenario of the future : OECD/Globio Remaining MSA in %
The World Conservation Union (COPI, Fig 4.2 ) Rate of yearly terrestrial biodiversity loss (MSA %-points) for different periods. Mean Species Abundance (MSA) 2000 and Predictions 2050
The World Conservation Union A load of issues… and few easy answers
The World Conservation Union The 2010 Biodiversity Target “that biodiversity decline should be halted with the aim of reaching this objective by 2010“ Presidency Conclusions of the EU Summit in Göteborg, 2001 “to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national levels as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth ” Decision VI/26 CBD Strategic Plan 2002
The World Conservation Union World leaders agreed to several other important targets at the 2005 World Summit. I recommend the incorporation of these commitments into the Millennium Development Goals. This includes: [...] a new target under Goal 7: to “Significantly reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010”. Kofi Annan, Sept 1, 2006
The World Conservation Union Biodiversity as a local issue Regions and Municipalities are active partners of the Countdown 2010 network Business is engaging around the 2010 challenge More than 700 partners working on the 2010 target The movement is spreading to … –Finland; Hungary; Italy; The Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Sweden; UK –Asia, South America, Southern Africa … and you?
The World Conservation Union Europe: Countdown 2010 European Commission: Biodiversity Communication and Action Plan Presidencies focus on specific issues –Climate Change –Development Cooperation –Marine Conservation –Business and Biodiversity –Forests –Scientific mechanisms Each partner contributes in his capacity –Innovative projects often in cooperation Readiness Assessment
The World Conservation Union The 2010 Biodiversity Target is hard to measure fails to set priorities is negatively phrased Need to know what you want to measure (BAP) The 2010 Biodiversity Target: There are limits
The World Conservation Union Convention on Biological Diversity: Focal Areas Reducing the rate of loss of the components of biodiversity Promoting sustainable use of biodiversity Addressing the major threats to biodiversity Maintaining ecosystem integrity Protecting traditional knowledge, innovations and practices; Ensuring the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of genetic resources Mobilizing financial and technical resources
The World Conservation Union European Union: Priority Objectives Safeguard the EU's most important habitats and species. Protect biodiversity and ecosystem services in the wider EU countryside and marine environment. Improve compatibility of regional and territorial development with biodiversity in the EU. Reduce the impact of invasive alien species and alien genotypes. Improve international governance and EU external assistance. Reduce the impact of international trade Support biodiversity adaptation to climate change. Strengthen the knowledge base for conservation and sustainable use Ensure adequate financing Strengthen EU decision–making Build partnerships, public education, awareness and participation
The World Conservation Union It’s not too late to achieve something by 2010 1 Complete negotiations on Access and Benefit Sharing Protect Traditional Knowledge Finance the implementation of the CBD Finance Global Environment Facility Continue to mainstream biodiversity 1 as proposed by Trondheim/UN Conference on Biodiversity, November 2007 Consolidate the Protected Areas Systems Consolidate Sustainable Forest Management Value the conservation of natural ecosystems Define adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change Optimize global environmental governance
The World Conservation Union What can be done by 2010? In ‘Absent-Minded Killers’, Sachs outlines five 2010 Achievables Outlaw bottom-trawling; Establish a rainforest conservation fund to pay small farmers to preserve the forest (REDD); Designate a global network of protected marine areas; Create a regular scientific process on species abundance and extinction (IPBES); Negotiate a new framework to slow human-induced climate change (post Kyoto 2012).
The World Conservation Union
The 2010 Biodiversity Target: What we’ve achieved so far 2010 Strategic Plan International Year for Biodiversity, CBD CoP10, Heads of State Summit Biodiversity Target in MDG and G8 ( Postdam initiative, Kobe Call) CoP9 Results: Criteria for high sea PAs, Business, IGPB, Finance, Cities, ABS, moratorium on ocean fertilization, biodiversity integration into climate change adaptation and mitigation Towards a global public private partnership for biodiversity: Countdown 2010 Initiative Figure 1: The status of preparation and revision of NBSAPs, 2008
The World Conservation Union The Countdown 2010 Objectives Encourage and support the full implementation of all the existing binding international commitments and necessary actions to save biodiversity; Demonstrate clearly what progress Europe makes in meeting the 2010 biodiversity target. Gain maximum public attention across Europe for the challenge of saving biodiversity by 2010. Partnerships Assessment Communication
The World Conservation Union Countdown 2010 – a multiregional model? South America Canada Europe Russia Southern Africa Lower Mekong China Japan 800+ Partners 30 Governments 42 Government Agencies 300 Cities & Regions 50 Businesses 16 Academic Institutions 300 Civil Society Organizations Middle East
The World Conservation Union The power of the 2010 biodiversity target Linking up to new constituencies and agendas –Business and Cities –Climate Change and Poverty New focus for the conservation community –A common objective, a multitude of strategies –The power of cooperation beyond individual institutions –Let’s move from words to action!
The World Conservation Union The 2010 Biodiversity Target Raised the political bar Generated funding Awareness But is hard to measure fails to set priorities is negatively phrased The 2010 Biodiversity Target: There are limits
The World Conservation Union To keep up the political momentum while also enabling real progress: Nagoya could adopt a 2015/2020/50 target which is: Ambitious but realistic Easy to measure Easy to communicate Positive (not about reducing loss) Aligned with other international targets Agreed at the highest level – by Heads of State, but formulated bottom up. Supported by actions/targets/indicators at regional level
The World Conservation Union Beyond 2010: The future for biodiversity should 1.Recognise the intrinsic value of all species 2. Restore what is degraded 3.Recognise it’s vital for quality of life 4.Value ecosystem services and benefits 5.Fast track finance facility coupled with endowment fund for Biomimicry 6.Strengthen science and policy interface (International Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) 7.Biodiversity Offsets (link carbon, water and biodiversity credits)
The World Conservation Union Many more issues still need addressing: And: Local/Regional should be involved! Financing Knowledge Marine conservationInvasive species Climate change Sustainable use
The World Conservation Union 5.promote a Green Economy: one that properly values natural resources, is sustainable and that isn’t growth at any environmental cost Beyond 2010: The future for biodiversity should
The World Conservation Union 2008 – CBD COP9, WCC, CMS COP9, Ramsar COP10, UNFCCC COP14 2009 – UNFCCC, Copenhagen (post Kyoto include REDD) 2010 – CBD COP10, Nagoya, Intern. Year of Biodiversity 2012 – Kyoto, WSSD. Marine protected areas 2015 – MDG’s 2020/50 – Climate Targets There are plenty of deadlines before and after 2010…
The World Conservation Union Beyond 2010: We want biodiversity to be …and most importantly: diverse Thriving Rich Thriving Abundant
The World Conservation Union If it is not now – when? If it is not us – who ? and if not together – how?
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