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S. Caspi, LBNL HQS Progress Report High Field Nb 3 Sn Quadrupole Magnet Shlomo Caspi LBNL Collaboration Meeting – CM11 FNAL October 27-28, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "S. Caspi, LBNL HQS Progress Report High Field Nb 3 Sn Quadrupole Magnet Shlomo Caspi LBNL Collaboration Meeting – CM11 FNAL October 27-28, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 S. Caspi, LBNL HQS Progress Report High Field Nb 3 Sn Quadrupole Magnet Shlomo Caspi LBNL Collaboration Meeting – CM11 FNAL October 27-28, 2008

2 S. Caspi, LBNL Introduction 2 large bore (120mm) high field (15.2T) (3000 A/mm2, 4.2K, 12T) Gradient 219 T/m at 1.9 K Accelerator quality Collaboration : BNL – reaction and potting tooling FNAL – magnetic design, Islands, wedges, “end” spacers LBNL – cable, winding & curing tooling, mechanical design, magnet assembly. Outline : - Magnetic design - Mechanical design - Tooling design.

3 S. Caspi, LBNL 3 Magnetics

4 S. Caspi, LBNL Coil cross-section and parameters 4 Courtesy of V. Kashikhin

5 S. Caspi, LBNL Iron saturation & field quality - Roxie 5 120 T/m Courtesy of V. Kashikhin

6 S. Caspi, LBNL 3D analysis - Tosca 6 Courtesy of V. Kashikhin B p end /B p cen = 0.993 Iron pad

7 S. Caspi, LBNL Field, Gradient, Stored-energy - Poisson 7

8 S. Caspi, LBNL 1.9 K / 4.4 KLayer 1Layer 2 A/mm^2200025003000200025003000 Imax (kA)17.5/15.9818.58/16.95 19.45 19.45/17.7218.1419.3020.22 Bmax (T)13.72/12.5914.52/13.3 15.17 15.17/13.913.5514.3414.98 Gmax (T/m)197/181208/191 219 219/199 Short-sample straight section 8

9 S. Caspi, LBNL Mechanics 9

10 S. Caspi, LBNL HQS – Mechanical Shell based Structure 10 570 mm outer diameter Components - Aluminum bolted collars => alignment -remains in compression from assembly to operating conditions - Iron pads and yoke - Iron master key => alignment - axial rods => axial preload - 25 mm aluminum shell => azimuthal preload - Coil and collar in compression - Cooling area Assembly - 60 mm bladders located outside the key span - 38 MPa pressure (600 + 50 microns clearance for 220 T/m) - Collars, pads and key locations optimize to minimize stress

11 S. Caspi, LBNL HQ – CAD Model 11 Gap keys slot Bolted collars Iron pads Bladder location Al shell Iron master key Loading keys slot Iron yoke Pole key Courtesy of D. Cheng

12 S. Caspi, LBNL Design Concept and Guidelines 12 Use modified pads and collars for coil alignment –Collars for azimuthal alignment (not for pre-stress) –Bolted pads for coils assembly –Keys, bladders and Aluminum shell during final azimuthal assembly –Axial rods to control axial forces Final pre-stress during cool-down by a shell based Aluminum structure Maintain full azimuthal contact between coil-island and island-collar –Bladder and key locations optimized Structure to maintain pre-stress up to expected “short-sample” but coil pre-stress can be reduced if adjusted to the operating point.

13 S. Caspi, LBNL HQ – Mechanical analysis Azimuthal stress in the coil 13 Target 219 T/m During bladder operation -90 MPa With loading key -82 MPa At 1.9 K -177 MPa With Lorentz forces -177 / 20 MPa -177 MPa => High but acceptable stress at short sample -177 MPa - 80 MPa -82 MPa - 20 MPa -90 MPa Courtesy of H. Felice

14 S. Caspi, LBNL 14 Layer 1 Layer 2 Alignment key in the pole G10 sheet Aluminum bolted collar Bolted at the pole against the pole key Pads Iron in the straight section Stainless steel in the end Iron masters Iron yoke Aluminum Shell Axial Aluminum rods Bolted to a Nitronic endplate

15 S. Caspi, LBNL Winding-Curing-Reaction-Potting 15

16 S. Caspi, LBNL HQ – Cable optimization 16 Test winding samples Variation of the keystone angle, thickness… Up to now, 8 cables evaluated Micrographs analyzed for each sample - Edge deformation – strand distortion - Deformation of the sub-elements - Barrier - Size of the facets on the surface of the cable

17 S. Caspi, LBNL HQ – Winding tests 17 114 mm aperture mandrel 134 mm aperture mandrel EDM part return endRapid Prototype (RP) part lead end => 120 mm cross-section: minimum pole width 23.8 mm

18 S. Caspi, LBNL Winding tooling 18

19 S. Caspi, LBNL Winding layer 1 19

20 S. Caspi, LBNL Layer 2 spacer 20

21 S. Caspi, LBNL Curing layer 1 21

22 S. Caspi, LBNL Winding layer 2 22

23 S. Caspi, LBNL Curing layer 2 23

24 S. Caspi, LBNL 24

25 S. Caspi, LBNL Reaction tooling 25

26 S. Caspi, LBNL HQ Schedule (updated 9/18/08) 26

27 S. Caspi, LBNL 27 Summary We have 90m of cable to wind first practice coil Design of coils, spacers, end-shoes, layer-to-layer transition completed. Shipment of tooling for winding and curing in the next few weeks Reaction and potting tooling in final design stage. 3D magnetic design completed. 3D analysis of structure and assembly underway.

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