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What are your five main senses?. But can you think of anything else we can sense? Time? Movement? Body position? Danger/Fear? Hunger/Thirst? Temperature?

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Presentation on theme: "What are your five main senses?. But can you think of anything else we can sense? Time? Movement? Body position? Danger/Fear? Hunger/Thirst? Temperature?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are your five main senses?

2 But can you think of anything else we can sense? Time? Movement? Body position? Danger/Fear? Hunger/Thirst? Temperature? You actually have many, many senses!!

3 Judgment and senses As human beings we can judge: weights greater than a gram up to around a few 100’s kilograms distances greater than a millimetre or less than a few kilometres. times greater than a second or less than a fraction of a lifetime. temperatures close to ‘normal’

4 We can be unaware of things because they are – Change too quickly – Change too slowly – Too small – Too large The undetectable and the vast Things in the universe exist outside the scale of our everyday lives!

5 What temperatures are we familiar with ? -273 ˚C -196 ˚C 0˚C

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