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1 st Brainstorm session BH60A1101 Environmental Technology Project Work: Sustainable Innovation 5 ECTS cr Autumn 2011.

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2 1 st Brainstorm session BH60A1101 Environmental Technology Project Work: Sustainable Innovation 5 ECTS cr Autumn 2011

3 Content of the brainstorm session 1.Reflection of the Creating Shared Value- article 2.Introduction to project work 3.Project themes: -Energy -Waste

4 Creating Shared Value by Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer In your own words/ in your opinion −What is shared value? −How does it differ from Corporate Social Responsibility −What are the main points of CSV? −How can shared value be created? Give concrete examples? −What do you think about it? Does it work? Or is it another image lift for corporations?

5 Mind map of CSV −Mind map of the students ideas

6 Energy −Access to Energy for the Base of the Pyramid −Soccket Footer

7 Free individual and group brainstorm −Based on the project work assignment brainstorm individually about the subject −”Free writing” – what ever comes to your mind −Mind map- mapping and linking different aspects −Brainstorm what solutions you could provide to energy scarcity? A family with kerosene lamp and a coal stove. Needs, problem, solution, resources, money, causes, results, culprits, challenges… Who, what, where, when, why, how?

8 Summary of thoughts Providing energy? -Waste from sugar etc production (residue straw)  burning, primary energy -Biogas from agri waste -Mirrors for spreading light at a house -biomass − More ideas and mindmaps can be found in Noppa as scanned files

9 The course personnel −Assistant Liisa Lahti room 6530 Footer

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