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Steganography The Art of Hiding Messages
introduction Word steganography comes from the Greek
means covered or secret writing. word steganos = “covered” word graphie = “writing”
History Head of messenger. Invisible ink Chemical substances More …
introduction steganography = stego
mentioned during the investigation of the September 11 attacks terrorists used it to hide their attack plans, maps, and activities in chat rooms, bulletin boards, and Web sites. widely used long before these attacks with many other technologies its use has increased due to the popularity of the Internet.
introduction Definition
it is the technique of embedding (or substitution) information into something else for the sole purpose of hiding that information from the casual observer.
Technical Steganography
Information hiding Covert channels Technical Steganography Steganography Linguistic Steganography Watermarking Anonymity Robust Copyright marking Fingerprinting Copyright marking Imperceptible watermarking Fragile Watermarking Visible watermarking
introduction steganography Vs watermarking
method of hiding trademark information in images, music, and software. not considered a true form of steganography. Types Invisible Invisible intended to be imperceptible to the human eye or inaudible. the watermark can only be determined through watermark extraction or detection by computers. Visible Visible such as a company logo stamped on an image or Video.
introduction In stego The main goal: is in one-to-one communications
to hide a message m in (cover) data c to obtain new data c' practically indistinguishable from c (by people) in such a way that an eavesdropper cannot detect the presence of m in c'. in one-to-one communications the information is hidden in the image, audio or video
introduction watermarking The main goal: is to hide a message m
in (cover) data c, to obtain new data c', practically indistinguishable from c (by people) in such a way that an eavesdropper cannot remove or replace m in c'. in one-to-many communications adds something to the image, it becomes part of the image, audio or video.
introduction ??? related but !encryption Cryptography
hides the contents of the message from an attacker, but not the existence of the message. drawbacks of using encryption recognized as an encrypted message.(raise suspicion). provides confidentiality but not secrecy. ??? @2*$#d(*%7*
introduction Steganography
hide the very existence of the message in the communicating data. Good of using steganography the information is hidden (text, images, and sound files.) looking at a HOST file would not be able to determine if there was any information within it.
introduction advantageous to use encryption and stego by
first encrypting the data then using steganography to hide it. not be able to read the data it extracted because it is encrypted.
steganographic systems
Hiding the Data data injection Substitution
Payload (secret message)
Hiding the Data data injection the secret message is directly embedded in the host medium. Problem: makes the host file larger easier to detect. Keep a secret Cover object Payload (secret message) Stego-object New size
Substitution Hiding the Data results quality of the original host file
the normal data is replaced or substituted with the secret data. results very little size change for the host file. quality of the original host file depending on the type of host file amount of hidden data
cover Secret data Extracting Embedding LSB Steganography Replacing least-significant-bits (LSBs) of digital data with message bits.
Secret Message inserted Cover Image Stego-Image 1 102 103 104 105 106
102 103 104 105 106 108 109 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 185 187 188 189 191 192 194 195 197 198 199 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 90 95 100 110 115 120 135 161 163 164 168 171 173 174 176 179 181 183 186 190 Secret Message inserted 103 102 105 106 108 109 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 185 187 188 189 191 192 194 195 197 198 199 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 90 95 100 110 115 120 135 161 163 164 168 171 173 174 176 179 181 183 186 190 Cover Image Stego-Image
restrictions to using stego:
Hiding the Data restrictions to using stego: MSG(bytes) <= HOST(room) The data that is hidden in the file should not significantly degrade the host file. The hidden data should be as imperceptible as possible. be encoded directly into the media and not placed only in the header or in some form of file wrapper. The data should remain consistent across file formats. be immune to modifications from data manipulations such as filtering or resampling. still be recoverable even if only portions of the host image are available. Because the hidden data can degrade or distort the host file, error-correction techniques should be used to minimize this condition.
Steganography in Image Files
A computer image is an array of pixels pixels represented as light intensity. stored in either 24 -bit pixel files 8-bit pixel files
Steganography in Image Files
In a 24-bit image there is more room to hide information Very large in size not the ideal choice for posting them on Web sites or transmitting over the Internet. For example a 24-bit image 1024X768 size about 2 MB. Solution : compression. lossy lossless compression.
Steganography in Image Files
Effect of Lossy compression on the hidden information provides high compression rates, but at the expense of data image integrity loss. lose some of the image quality. An example of a lossy compression format is JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Lossless compression on the hidden information does not lose image integrity the favored compression used for steganography. GIF and BMP files are examples of lossless compression formats.
Steganography in Image Files
In an 8-bit image each pixel is represented by eight bits The four bits to the left are the most-significant bits (MSB) right are the least-significant bits (LSB). Changes to the MSB : will result in a drastic change in the color and the image quality LSB : will have minimal impact.
Steganography in Image Files
The human eye cannot usually detect changes to only one or two bits of the LSB. if we hide data in any two bits in the LSB, the human eye will not detect it. Example: bit pattern = New pattern = This is why the art of steganography uses these LSBs to store the hidden data.
Ideas Image segmentation ME steganography – Maximum Error Image Mosaic
The algorithm divides a binary image into noise like region and signal region. If a region is too simple to hide information, a conjugate operation is introduce, which can convert a simple pattern into a complex pattern without lose any shape information. ME steganography – Maximum Error The algorithm takes advantage of local characteristics of a cover-image to embed maximal amount of message in the cover and maintain the imperceptible alteration. Image Mosaic The sender and the receiver share the same image database. Each tile image corresponds to an integer. Embedding algorithm chose different tile image according to secret message. The Receiver extract message from tile images.
Ideas Weighted matrix Histogram preserve
Embed r bits of data into image block by changing at most X bits. This algorithm can hide as many as bits of data in the image by changing at most X bits in the image block. This scheme can provide higher security, embed more data, and maintain higher quality of the host image. Histogram preserve This algorithm based on histogram preserving data mappings (HPDM). Cachin defined a system is perfectly secure when the statistics of the stego-image and the cover image are identical, i.e., the relative entropy between the cover and stego is zero. Based on this definition, Eggers proposed his algorithm that preserves the histogram of the cover image.
A Practical Example the host file before a hidden file has been introduced.
A Practical Example the image file we wish to hide
A Practical Example Using a program called Invisible Secrets
1st is inserted into 2nd . The resulting image file is
M C K F D C’ F: M*CC` D:C`M
MSG(bytes) <= HOST(room) M(bytes) <= C(room)
M: secret message. C: cover message. F: embedding function. function must have inverse at the domain. D: extracting function. D(F(C,M))M MSG(bytes) <= HOST(room) M(bytes) <= C(room)
Types 1. Public key steganography Public key Private key
Types 2. Pure steganography: F: M*CC` D:C`M C cover
C cover M Secret data Perform the F: M*CC`
C cover Perform the D:C`M 11011101 00101100 00011101 00001100
C cover M Secret data F Embedding Perform the D:C`M
C` Stego-Object D Extracting
C cover M Secret data D Extracting F Embedding
Steps to secure and invisible Data Hiding in 2-color Images
Types 3. Secret key steganography F: K*M*CC` D:K*C`M Steps to secure and invisible Data Hiding in 2-color Images
Basics - Weighted matrix
Hiding apiece of critical information in binary image. In each M x N image block of a host image log2(mn+1) bits can be hidden in the block by changing at most 3 bits in the block. We are given a host binary image F. F will be partitioned into blocks of fixed size M*N F1, F2, …Fi can hid r= log2(mn+1) bits in each block. secret key K: a randomly selected binary matrix of size m x n. W: a weight matrix which is an integer matrix of size m x n, where Wi,j ={1,2,….2r-1}
STEPS 1- compute FiΦK 2 - compute SUM((Fi ΦK)ΘW)
where Φ XOR of two equal size binary matrices. 2 - compute SUM((Fi ΦK)ΘW) where Θ bitwise multiplication of two equal-size matrices SUM the sum of all elements in a matrix.
STEPS 3- Compute d as follow 4- the receiver compute
IF the secret message is (b1,b2…br( d= (b1,b2…br( - SUM((Fi ΦK)ΘW) mod 2r If d=0 no need to change Fi to Fi` otherwise, we will change Fi to Fi` to make d=0. 4- the receiver compute SUM((Fi ΦK)ΘW) mod 2r to find the hidden message
Example Let a host image F, and secret key K, w 1 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 1 1 F=
1 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 1 1 F= K= W=
Example F is partitioned into two 4*4 blocks(F1,F2), in binary image.
In each M x N image block of a host image log2(mn+1) bits can be hidden in the block F is partitioned into two 4*4 blocks(F1,F2), 1 F1 F2
Example We can hide r< log2(4*4+1) bits in each block.
Let r=3, be the secret data to be hidden. r1=001 =1, r2=001 =1
compute Fi ΦK 1 1 F= K= 1 F1 ΦK F2 ΦK
compute ((Fi ΦK)ΘW) SUM((F1 ΦK)ΘW) =24 SUM((F2 ΦK)ΘW) =36 1 4 3 2 1 7
1 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 W= (F1 ΦK) (F2 ΦK) 2 4 1 7 6 5 3 ((F1 ΦK)ΘW) ((F2 ΦK)ΘW) SUM((F1 ΦK)ΘW) =24 SUM((F2 ΦK)ΘW) =36
so we must increase the sum by 1 to make d =0 by swapping[F1]2,4
d= (b1,b2…br(- SUM((Fi ΦK)ΘW) mod 2r If d=0, there is no need to change Fi to Fi`, otherwise, we will change Fi to Fi`, to make d=0 24 mod 23= 0, d=1-0=1 so we must increase the sum by 1 to make d =0 by swapping[F1]2,4 1
36 mod 23 =4, d=1-4=-3. So we must decrees the sum by 3 to make d= 0 by swapping [F2]2,2 and [F2]3,2 will increase the sum by -6, and 3. 1
image F will be 1 1
receiver compute SUM((Fi ΦK)ΘW) mod 2r to find the hidden message.
Practical & illegal Uses
practical uses store password information on an image file on a hard drive or Web page. In applications where encryption is not appropriate (or legal), stego can be used for covert data transmissions. has been used mainly for military operations, it is now gaining popularity in the commercial marketplace. illegal uses it was reported that terrorists use this technology to hide their attacks plans. Child pornographers have also been known to use stego to illegally hide pictures inside other images.
Defeating Steganography
Steganalysis is the technique of discovering and recovering the hidden message. a steganalyst (detect) < > a cryptanalyst (decode) attempt to detect the existence of hidden information in messages.
Defeating Steganography
the main goal is to determine if the image has a hidden message and the specific steganography algorithm used to hide the information. Attacks stego-only, known cover, known message, chosen stego, and chosen message. In a stego-only attack the stego host file is analyzed.
Defeating Steganography
A known cover attack is used if both the original (unaltered) media and the stego-infected file are available. A known message attack is used when the hidden message is revealed. A chosen stego attack is performed when the algorithm used is known and the stego host is available. A chosen message attack is performed when a stego-media is generated using a predefined algorithm. The resulting media is then analyzed to determine the patterns generated, and this information is used to compare it to the patterns used in other files. This technique will not extract the hidden message, but it will alert the steganalyst that the image in question does have embedded (and hidden) information.
Defeating Steganography
dictionary attacks Another attack method is using against steganographic systems. This will test to determine if there is a hidden image in the file. All of the stenographic systems used to create stego images use some form of password validation. An attack could be perpetrated on this file to try to guess the password and determine what information had been hidden. Much like cryptographic dictionary attacks, stego dictionary attacks can be performed as well. In most steganographic systems, information is embedded in the header of the image file that contains, among other things, the length of the hidden message. If the size of the image header embedded by the various stego tools is known, this information could be used to verify the correctness of the guessed password.
Defeating Steganography
Protecting yourself against steganography is not easy. If the hidden text is embedded in an image, and you have the original (unaltered) image, a file comparison could be made to see if they are different. This comparison would not be to determine if the size of the image has changed—remember, in many cases the image size does not change. However, the data (and the pixel level) does change. The human eye usually cannot easily detect subtle changes—detection beyond visual observation requires extensive analysis. Several techniques are used to do this. One is the use of stego signatures. This method involves analysis of many different types of untouched images, which are then compared to the stego images. Much like the analysis of viruses using signatures, comparing the stego-free images to the stego-images may make it possible to determine a pattern (signature) of a particular tool used in the creation of the stego-image.
Steganography Tools Steganos S-Tools (GIF, JPEG) StegHide (WAV, BMP)
Invisible Secrets (JPEG) JPHide Camouflage Hiderman Many others…
ASS Discussion Report Steganography Applications
Chose two of the following attacks to be described and its defense: stego-only, known cover, known message, chosen stego, and chosen message.
LAB chose one tool to write a report showing its usage.
Develop an application for the presented Weighted Matrix secret key Steganography
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