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1 Designing for Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching Ravi K. Vatrapu Director, Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) Associate Professor,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Designing for Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching Ravi K. Vatrapu Director, Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) Associate Professor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Designing for Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching Ravi K. Vatrapu Director, Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) Associate Professor, Center for Applied ICT (CAICT) Copenhagen Business School Howitzvej 60, 2.10; Frederiksberg, DK-2000, Denmark Phone: +45-2479-4315 Monday, 04-Apr-2011 T14: Human Information Processing: Lecture 19 2A20, ITU, Copenhagen, Denmark

2 O UTLINE 2  Review of Pedagogical Principles  Self-Explanation Effect  Zone of Proximal Development  Scaffolding  Triadic Dialogue (IRE/IRF)  Review of Technology Design Dimensions  Representational Guidance  Grounding Constraints  Socio-Technical Affordances  Technological Intersubjectivity  Grounding Constraints  Artifact-Centered Discussion

3 S ELF -E XPLANATION E FFECT 3  Generating explanations to oneself facilitates integration of new information into existing knowledge  Procedural Skills  Declarative Knowledge

4 Zone of Proximal Development 4 “The distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential problem solving as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more able peers.” (Vygotsky 1978, p.86)

5 Scaffolding & Scripting 5 “…‘scaffolding’ was described by Bruner as a “vicarious consciousness”, a temporary intellectual support which a teacher offers in order to draw the learner up towards a higher level of understanding.” (Fernandez et al., 2001, p.41)

6 Triadic Dialogue (IRE/IRF) 6  Teacher Initiate s  Student Responds  Teacher Evaluates/Gives Feedback

7 Representational Guidance 7 constraints: limits on expressiveness, and on the sequence in which information can be expressed [33] and and salience: how the representation facilitates processing of certain information, possibly at the expense of others (Suthers, 2001))

8 Grounding Constraints 8 Grounding Constraints in Communication Clark, H. H., & Brennan, S. E. (1991). Grounding in communication. In L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine & S. D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition (pp. 127-149): American Psychological Association.

9 Socio-Technical Affordances 9 Affordances are action-taking possibilities and meaning-making opportunities in a socio- technical system relative to actor competencies and system capabilities

10 Artifact-Centered Discussion 10  To solve the problems of incoherence and divergence

11 11 Design Case: NEXT-TELL Vision To develop both ICT Tools and Teaching Methods to  Develop 21 st Century competencies in addition to subject-matter specific KSAs  Personalize learning: Plan for the individual student  Teach adaptively in the classroom, making good use of ICT  Provide evidence-based accounts for selected learning activities and assessments  Be accountable towards stakeholders (students, parents, policy makers).

12 Problems with Classrooms of the Present -Learning is fragmented -Teacher is decentered 12 1212 Student Teacher Behavior/Performance Artefacts/Products Student Data/ Student Model Student Data/ Student Model ICT Face-to-Face NEXT-TELL Consortium -- Confidential

13 Classrooms of the 21 st Century -Learning is integrated with Information Ecologies -Teacher is centered in classrooms with Computational & Methodological Support 13 1313 Student Teacher Behavior/Performance Artefacts/Products Student Data/ Student Model Student Data/ Student Model ICT Face-to-Face NEXT-TELL Consortium -- Confidential

14 Design Brief 14 Communication Medium Community of Inquiry Social Presence Cognitive Presence Supporting Discourse Teaching Presence Learning Experienc e Setting Climate Selecting Content Elements of Online Learning Experience (Adapted from (Rourke et al., 2001))

15 Socio-Technical Affordances 15 Affordances are action-taking possibilities and meaning-making opportunities in a socio- technical system relative to actor competencies and system capabilities

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