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Towards the EEC (1949-1958) September 29, 2011. Ideological background Abbey of Saint-Pierre Kant’s pacific union Coudenhove-Kalergi and the Paneuropa.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards the EEC (1949-1958) September 29, 2011. Ideological background Abbey of Saint-Pierre Kant’s pacific union Coudenhove-Kalergi and the Paneuropa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards the EEC (1949-1958) September 29, 2011

2 Ideological background Abbey of Saint-Pierre Kant’s pacific union Coudenhove-Kalergi and the Paneuropa movement Churchill’s Speech in Zurich “The Tragedy of Europe”

3 Churchill, Zurich Speech (1946) “We must build a kind of United States of Europe. In this way only will hundreds of millions of toilers will be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which will make life worth living…”

4 Ideological background: The Hague Congress (1948)  Federalists (Spinelli) vs. unionists  The Council of Europe (1949)

5 Early Steps towards Eur. Integration Marshall plan  Organization for European Economic Cooperation (1948) Council of Europe (1949) NATO (1949) European Coal and Steel Community  Treaty of Paris (1951)  Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Rene Pleven, Konrad Adenauer

6 Head of the French Planning Commission Came up with the plan to solve the “German question” for France Functionalism in practice  Preoccupation with the technical and non- controversial issues  Role of technocrats  Institutions: “ Nothing is possible without men; nothing is lasting without institutions." Jean Monnet

7 Functionalism in Practice The Schuman Declaration (1950) “Europe will not be made all at once or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”

8 Schuman declaration (1950) French and German coal and steel production to be placed under a common ‘High Authority’ First step in the federation of Europe War between F. and G. “not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible”

9 European Coal and Steel Community Treaty of Paris (1951): Fr, Ger, It, Be, Ne, Lux Institutions:  High Authority  Court of Justice  Council of Ministers  Common Assembly

10 Tasks of the ECSC Create a common market in coal and steel Reduce/coordinate prices Increase efficiency Eliminate discrimination and restrictions

11 Further Developments: European Defense Community proposed (1950) European Political Community (common defense, security and economic policies) Failure of the EDC(&EPC) 1954  Limits of European integration

12 Further Developments Meeting of ECSC foreign ministers, Messina 1955 Spaak Report (May 1956)  European Atomic Energy Community EURATOM  European Economic Community EEC

13 Emergence of the EEC and Euratom Negotiations (1956-7) to establish  Cooperation on atomic energy  Economic cooperation French objections  Special ties to overseas territories  Agriculture

14 Treaty of Rome (1957)

15 The European Economic Community “ever closer union among the peoples of Europe” Creation of a common market in 12 years  Removing restrictions on internal trade  Establishing a common external tariff  Reducing barriers to the free movement of people, services and capital Common agricultural and transport policies Competition policy

16 The Institutions of the EEC The European Commission The Council of Ministers European Court of Justice European Parliament (Assembly)

17 Questions The declaration to establish the Coal and Steel Community bears Schuman’s name rather than its architect Monnet. Why do you think this is the case?

18 Milward Are the founders of the European Community saints, according to Milward? What is his argument? What are the commonalities between Schuman, de Gasperi and Adenauer?

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