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Work shop 2 – Identifying the solutions 20 April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Work shop 2 – Identifying the solutions 20 April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work shop 2 – Identifying the solutions 20 April 2010

2 Aim & Purpose of today Explore solutions/guidance on ethical issues Available to lecturers and academic staff

3 Scenario 1 - fabrication You realise that a student has fabricated the test results in a research project. 1. What would you do? 2. Where would you look for guidance? 3. Suggest a solution!

4 Scenario 2 - collaboration Students have submitted projects – it is clear on reading the projects that the students have had unauthorised help – friends, family, colleagues 1. What would you do? 2. Where would you look for guidance? 3. Suggest a solution!

5 Scenario 3 - theft Students have reported that a student in the class has taken/stolen the core text from the library and no other copy available for other students. 1. What would you do? 2. Where would you look for guidance? 3. Suggest a solution!

6 Scenario 4 - extension Students attend at your office requesting a project extension – various reasons given. 1. What would you do? 2. Where would you look for guidance? 3. Suggest a solution!

7 Scenario 5 – work placement Students are on work placement – one of the participating employers contacts you to advise that a student has belittled the firm on his facebook page and they hold IT Sligo responsible. 1. What would you do? 2. Where would you look for guidance? 3. Suggest a solution!

8 Scenario 6 – plagiarism Student has clearly plagiarised. 1. What would you do - How many chances do you give the student? 2. Where would you look for guidance? 3. Suggest a solution!

9 Other scenarios? Other issues you have come across?

10 Thank you Any Questions?

11 Welcome to IT Sligo- workshop for External Examiners RTE News

12 23 rd April 2010 The purpose Feedback from the survey Overview of the workshop Follow-up Recording for those who could not attend Webinar

13 Overview 10.30 to 11am Meet and Greet Registration 11-11.10am Welcome address from the President 11.10-11.15am Address from the Registrar 11.15-11.30am Brief introductions (Name / Institute / Area of Expertise / one issue) Getting organised (structure, split into four groups / rooms, assign tasks)

14 Overview 11.30 to 12.30am EBL/PBL workshops X 4 with facilitators Themes Basic (Roles and Responsibilities / paperwork/ M&S / expectations ) Advanced (Grade inflation/ What’s new / Benchmarking /Feedback) 12.30 to 1pm Feedback session 1-2pm Working Lunch consisting of Q&A with expert panel

15 Outcome

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