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Determining the neutrino mass:
The search for the neutrinoless double beta decay Tobias Bode
Dirac vs Majorana neutrino Neutrino mass mixing
Outline Introduction Theory Dirac vs Majorana neutrino Neutrino mass mixing Nuclei undergoing double beta decay Experiments Heidelberg-Moscow experiment GerDA CUORE Enriched Xenon Observatory Conclusion and outlook Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Why look for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ)?
Introduction Why look for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ)? Dirac or Majorana neutrino? Physics beyond the Standard Model? ΔL≠0 ? Determine the neutrino mass Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Feynman graph of hypothetical neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ)
Introduction Feynman graph of hypothetical neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) 2nd order processes of weak interaction 4th order in GWS-model 0νββ forbidden in SM(ΔL≠0) Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
2νββ decay is four particle decay process
ββ-decay plot 2νββ decay is four particle decay process Continuous electron spectrum 0νββ is two particle decay process Sharp peak at Q-value in energy sum spectrum energy sum spectrum Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Dirac vs Majorana neutrino
Dirac neutrino Charge conjugation changes the neutrino to an antineutrino Majorana neutrino neutrino is charge self-conjugated → its own antiparticle Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
No known majorana fermions in nature
Majorana neutrino No known majorana fermions in nature If it exists →Physics beyond the SM ΔL≠0 No more neutrino/antineutrino but right-handed & left-handed neutrino Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Requirements for 0νββ Neutrino is Majorana particle Neutrino has mass
Theory Requirements for 0νββ Neutrino is Majorana particle Neutrino has mass Handedness changes due to massive ν Also possible by : Right handed weak interaction RH weak current couples to RH antineutrino Other exchange particles (neutralino etc.) Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Decay through a continuum of virtual intermediate states odd/odd
ββ decay theory ββ decay possible if the next even/even nucleus energetically lower than the mother nucleus Decay through a continuum of virtual intermediate states odd/odd Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Nuclei which undergo double beta decay
Isotope Q-Value [MeV] Isotopic abundance Observed halflife [y] 48-Ca 4.271 % 4.0*10^19 76-Ge 2.039 7.8% 1.4*10^21 82-Se 2.995 9.2% 0.9*10^20 96-Zr 3.350 2.8% 2.1*10^19 100-Mo 3.034 9.6% 8.0*10^18 116-Cd 2.802 7.5% 3.3*10^19 128-Te 0.868 31.7% 2.5*10^24 130-Te 2.533 34.5% 0.9*10^21 136-Xe 2.479 8.9% Not obs. 150-Nd 3.367 5.6% 7.0*10^18 ββ decay observable only if β decay energetically forbidden For all other isotopes : β decay rate much higher ββ decay is suppressed Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Calculate the effective majorana mass
effektive majorana mass Assumes no right-handed weak currents The halflife is experimentally determined The phasespace factor is larger for 0νββ than for 2νββ due to the virtual character of the neutrino the nuclear matrix elements are very difficult to compute Uncertainties factor 3 The calculated effective majorana mass depends heavily on choice of those matrix elements Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Why effective neutrino mass?
Effective mass term Majorana mass Emission of antineutrino: Absorption of neutrino: elements of neutrino mass mixing matrix Total amplitude of 0νββ decay p p n n Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Effective majorana mass
In contrast to β decay majorana phases α also relevant in neutrino mass mixing coherent sum over mass eigenstates → destructive interference possible Single mass eigenstates could be larger than if CP conserved α=±1 Only range of neutrino mass can be determined by 0νββ asff Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Experiments Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Passive targets Active targets Source ≠ detector
Experiments Passive targets Source ≠ detector ββ emitter in thin foils between detectors Easy to change isotopes NEMO-3 Active targets Source = detector(no self absorption) Bolometer (CUORE) Semiconductor detector(Heidelberg-Moskau, GERDA) TPC (EXO) Ge-Diode TPC Bolometer Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Semiconductor detector experiments
Active target High energy resolution Material: 76-Ge High nat. abundance (7.8%) Low Q-value of 2.04 MeV Hard to discriminate from natural radioactive background passive shielding & active veto counters needed Solid shielding source of radioactivity Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Heidelberg-Moscow experiment (HDMS)
Operated at Gran Sasso Underground Lab from Target & detector: 10.9kg enriched 76-Ge in 5 diodes Lead and copper shielding Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Data analysis Heidelberg-Moscow 2004
71.7 kg years of data Author claims signal at Q=2039 keV 28.75 ± 6.86 events detected (4.2σ) Problem: background simulation, discriminate γ and β counts Heidelberg-Moscow solution: Pulse shape analysis Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Pulse shape analysis of HDMS data
90% of ββ events are localized in a small volume in the detector (single site event) Normal γ events are multiple site events (MSE) Calculation of SSE Library Comparison with all events Rejection of identified MSE 11±1.8 events Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
How to increase the sensitivity of 0νββ experiments I
a=isotope abundance M=target mass B=background ΔE=energy resolution t=measurement time → enrichment more effective than target mass increase Easy to enrich isotopes best suited for future experiments If B=0 → If B≠0 → (Poisson fluctuations) Background reduction! Low level shielding Radon free environment Selected materials Underground labs Detector segmentation µ-veto, neutron veto Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
How to increase the sensitivity of 0νββ experiments II
Increase of target mass HDMS=11kg → future Ge experiment 35kg → future Xe experiment 1t Modular design(scaleable) Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Current and future 0νββ experiments
name target nuclei mass[kg] method laboratory status COURICINO 130-Te 40.7 bolometer Gran Sasso finished NEMO-3 100-Mo/82-Se 6.9 tracking calorimeter Fréjus taking data GerDA 76-Ge 15/35/500 semiconductor by 2009/10 EXO 136-Xe 200/1000 TPC/Iontagging WIPP by 2009 CUORE 750 2011 Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
GerDA (GERmanium Detector Array)
located at Gran Sasso Similar to HDMS Bare 76-Ge diodes, immersed in cryogenic fluid(LN/LAr) No radiation from solid shielding Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Phase I: 15kg HDMS Ge-diodes background≈0.01 cts(keV kg y)
GerDA build-up Phase I: 15kg HDMS Ge-diodes background≈0.01 cts(keV kg y) Sensitivity: = eV Phase II: 35kg segmented new Ge-diodes background≈0.001 cts(keV kg y) Sensitivity: = eV Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
GerDA background reduction
Main goal is to further reduce external γ-background LAr-Anticoincidence ββ-decay localized event If scintillation light detected in LAr at same time Event rejected because it was a γ-event Segmentation ββ-decay localized event If ionization detected in more than 1-2 segments Event is rejected Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Using 62 -crystals in bolometer setup Debye-Law : T→ 0 :
CUORICINO Using crystals in bolometer setup Debye-Law : T→ 0 : E: deposited energy Placed in dilution refrigerator at ≈10mK At E=2.53MeV (Q-value) ΔT=0.18mK 3 years, backgroundrate: 0.19 cts/(kg keV y) 5x5x5 cm³ Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events
Next phase of CUORICINO, 750 kg 19 towers with 53 crystals each=988 crystals Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO)
Liquid/gaseous Xe Time Projection Chamber Xenon easy to purify and enrich (Russian centrifuges) Q-value higher than nat. radioactivity Possible to “laser-tag” Barium ions coincidence of ion and ββ event → reduction of background Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Energy resolution not good in LXe TPC
EXO-200 First phase: 200 kg LXe Energy resolution not good in LXe TPC → Combination of scintillation & ionization Dense material → Small volume → Good spatial resolution Electrons drifting to ground Electron trajectory reconstructed by anode segmentation & drift time Scintillation light used as timing signal for electron drift time measurement Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
1t (10t) of enriched LXe/Gxe in full-scale EXO
EXO Barium tagging 1t (10t) of enriched LXe/Gxe in full-scale EXO Laser fluorescence will be used to identify ions to reduce background 2νββ and 0νββ not destinguishable! Good enough energy resolution needed Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Projected sensitivity of EXO
EXO also looks for 2νββ decay Test for matrix elements Knowledge of important for background estimates of 0νββ decay Mass[t] 136-Xe[%] Effiency[%] Time[y] Background[cts/(kg keV y] 0.2 80 70 2 40 6.4 x 10^25 186 1 5 2 x 10^27 33 10 4.1 x 10^28 7.3 Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
Importance of different approaches to 0νββ decay
Conclusion Importance of different approaches to 0νββ decay To increase sensitivity a quadratic increase in target mass is needed International collaborations and funding is needed If mass range is determined, it will give new impulses and limitations for theories&experiments in particle- & astrophysics Seminar talk , T. Bode, , Determining the netrino mass: Search for the neutrinless double beta decay
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