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University of Minnesota Duluth Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Campus Assessment System Jackie.

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1 University of Minnesota Duluth Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Campus Assessment System Jackie Millslagle, Team Leader Planned Project Activities  Writing campus and program outcomes  Creating data collection instrument(s)  Collecting data  Analyzing data  Using data to implement change Plan of action  Coordinate assessment activities centrally  Identify campus-level student learning outcomes  Develop program-level student learning outcomes aligned with campus learning goals  Create assessment plans at the program level  Collect and use assessment data for program development  Synthesize data collected across programs that contribute to campus learning outcomes  Define the organizational structure and systems that will utilize assessment data for strategic management  Develop knowledge and skills related to assessment practices with on-campus workshops and individual program consultation Results  Appointed an assessment coordinator and advisory council to lead assessment initiatives (September/October 2008  Created an assessment web site to track progress and keep the campus informed (November 2008)  Coordinated work of multiple campus groups that contributed to and culminated in the Framework for Student Learning Outcomes approved by Campus Assembly (November 2009)  Academic and student life programs develop student learning outcomes (95% complete)  Program-level student learning outcomes are mapped to campus outcomes (75% complete)  Assessment plans created by academic and student life programs (70% complete)  Assessment data collection begins Spring 2010  Summer training for program assessment liaisons scheduled to increase deeper understanding of assessment and its relationship to improved learning Next Steps  Design assessment of recently revised (November 2009) liberal education core  Identify gaps and increase campus understanding of assessment and its relation to student learning Challenges  Resources (funding and expertise) for more individualized training for faculty and staff groups Tools  Concept of Transformative Assessment (Wehlburg, 2008)  Web pages  Reporting templates  ePortfolio  Assessment database One UMD Program Faculty review Junior portfolios Department Retreat Assessment Coordinator Senior Portfolios Portfolio development course graduation Framework for Integrated Learning Outcomes CAMPUS LEARNING GOALS UMD CAMPUS STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES KNOWLEDGEKnowledge acquisition, construction, integration, & application 1. Demonstrate competence in major field(s). 2. Construct, integrate, and apply knowledge from instruction and experience THINKINGCognitive Complexity3. Think critically and creatively in seeking solutions to practical and theoretical problems SELF-REALIZATIONIntrapersonal Development 4. Use ethical reasoning to make informed and principled decisions. 5. Demonstrate self-knowledge across a range of developmental areas. RELATIONSHIPSRelational Interdependence 6. Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, and interpersonal and group interactions. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Community Engagement and Humanitarianism 7. Apply understanding of cultural differences in diverse environments. 8. Contribute to communities in which they live. LIFE SKILLSPractical Competence9. Apply life skills to succeed in college and beyond. UMD Campus Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes123456789 Students will demonstrate organized and professional writing skills for academic and clinical situations. [Communication Sciences & Disorders] x xx X Students will integrate self- assessment and occupational information to develop career plans [Career Services] xxxx Step #1. Samples of Mapped Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes Sample Assessment Workflow: Communication Sciences & Disorders Assign portfolio requirements Teach Submit for review Provide feedback Assign reviewers Collect and analyze data Report data and determine action Step #3. Build the Assessment Plan Measure: Dir-10 Self-evaluation: Juniors and seniors submit one or more forms of evidence of self- evaluation (self selected and collected across a variety of courses) and a reflection of their learning via an annual ePortfolio. The element is reviewed by a department faculty member and assessed at one of four levels using a predetermined rubric: "no evidence", "partially proficient", "proficient" or "exemplary" Direct Measures (course embedded) Program Outcomes CSD 1100 CSD 2230 CSD 3131 CSD 3232 CSD 3150 CSD 3200 CSD 3241 CSD 4010 CSD 4197 CSD 4200 CSD 4500 CSD 5400 annual portfolio Students will demonstrate self-evaluation of effectiveness of practice. Meas. X X X Dir-10 Collect Term Spr 10 UMD Annual Assessment Report

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