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Reproductive cloning Biotechnology/Cloning. Reproductive cloning.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive cloning Biotechnology/Cloning. Reproductive cloning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive cloning Biotechnology/Cloning

2 Reproductive cloning

3 Therapeutic cloning

4 Therapeutic cloning

5 Recombinant DNA technology DNA isolated from two sources and cut by the same enzyme Gene of interest Recombinant DNA Plasmid (vector) Transgenic organisms Useful products Gene for pest resistance Gene for toxic-cleanup bacteria Some uses of proteins: Protein for “stone-washing” jeans Protein for dissolving clots Some uses of genes:

6 Restriction Enzymes

7 First Cloning Experiment Cohen et al., 1973 “Recombinant DNA”

8 Cloning Vectors: pBR322 plasmid Cloning into pBR322

9 RT-PCR and Cloning

10 Palmiter et al. (1982) Dramatic growth of mice that develop from eggs microinjected with metallothionine-growth hormone fusion genes. Nature 300: 611-615 “Supermice”

11 Golden Rice

12 Weeding Out Land Mines First Glowing Pet

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