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Wildlife 448Fall 2011.  i.e. i.e. = id est “That is….”  e.g. e.g. = exempli gratia “For example….”  When writing they are always followed by a comma:

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Presentation on theme: "Wildlife 448Fall 2011.  i.e. i.e. = id est “That is….”  e.g. e.g. = exempli gratia “For example….”  When writing they are always followed by a comma:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildlife 448Fall 2011

2  i.e. i.e. = id est “That is….”  e.g. e.g. = exempli gratia “For example….”  When writing they are always followed by a comma: (e.g., moose, elk, caribou)

3  datum singular— “This datum shows….” almost never used  data plural—“The data are….” almost always incorrectly stated as singular

4  cite Reference to a citation e.g., “There were 34 articles cited in that paper.”  site Reference to a location e.g., “I found 6 relevant websites.” e.g., “The study site was covered by water.”  sight What you do with your eyes e.g., “The sight I saw at the study site will be widely cited in future journal articles if I can get it published.”

5  Use an appropriate and approved style (e.g., TWS)  Must include: Author(s) Year Article Title (or book chapter title) Journal Title (or book title) Journal volume and Page Numbers (or publisher information)  At minimum, be consistent!

6  Barrett, M. W., J. W. Nolan, and L. D. Roy. 1982. Evaluation of a hand-held net gun to capture large mammals. Wildlife Society Bulletin 10:108-114.  Moore, J. W. 2006. Animal ecosystem engineers in streams. Bioscience 56:237-246.  _____. and R. L. Holberton. 2007. Differences in song rate in two populations of yellow warblers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:130-133.  Books, book chapters, reports, etc. are cited similarly, but require different information

7  Anderson, D. R. 1975. Population ecology of the mallard: V. Temporal and geographic estimates of survival, recovery, and harvest rates. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication 125.  Bailey, R. G. 1996. Ecosystem geography. Springer-Verlag Inc., New York, New York, USA.  O'Neil, T. A., P. Bettinger, B. G. Marcot, B. W. Luscombe, G. T. Koeln, H. J. Bruner, C. Barrett, J. A. Pollock, and S. Bernatas. 2005. Applications of spatial technologies in wildlife biology. Pages 418- 464 in C. E. Braun, editor. Techniques for wildlife investigations and management. Sixth edition. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.  Wydoski, R. S., and R. R. Whitney. 2003. Inland Fishes of Washington. Second edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

8  Cite by author and year  >3 authors use “et al.”  Chronological order (NOT alphabetical) Citations in the same year THEN use alphabetical  (Brown 1991, Monda 1991, Roberts 1991, Allen 1995)  Avoid Smith (1998) reported black bears ate more berries in Montana than fish.  Rather rephrase: Black bears in Montana ate more berries than fish (Smith 1998)

9  DO NOT QUOTE If you must quote you must cite (author year: page#)….DO NOT QUOTE  You do not need more than 5 citations per concept.  Unpublished data: (Initials Last name, affiliation, unpublished data)  Personal communications: (Initials Last name, affiliation, personal communication)

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