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Inspired by Iceland Facebook report October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Inspired by Iceland Facebook report October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspired by Iceland Facebook report October 2011

2 Raise awareness of Iceland as a travel destination during winter season to increase tourism Drive as much traffic to through paid search channels The channel used is: Summary of the brief

3 The Inspired by Iceland Facebook campaign was initially set from October 11 th to November 11 th 2011 with a budget of $ 2.500,- The budget was increased in mid-air to $ 6.400 and the duration extended to November 30th The overall outcome of the campaign is: Campaign reach: 19.538.424 Fjöldi einstaklinga sem hefur séð aug- lýsingarnar, hver að meðaltali 3,4 sinni Impressions: 67.032.452 Social reach: 535.375 Fjöldi þeirra sem sá auglýsingarnar á síðum vina sinna sem höfðu smellt Clicks: 45,896 Facebook Campaign Overview Click-Through-Rate (CTR): 0,068% Average Cost-Per-Click (CPC): $ 0,14 Average Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) $ 0,09 Media spend: $6.433.69 (£ 4.100)

4 The blue line indicates the “Clicks” progress. It visualises the trend of how many people clicked on the Inspired by Iceland ads each day between October 26 th and November 22 nd The highest number of clicks per day was 1.366 (14.11.2011) Facebook Campaign Performance graph – Clicks New images

5 We exchanged two of the images used in the ads and consequently we had a new performer Facebook Ad Performance

6 Facebook Ad Performance


8 We have generated 45,896 clicks and 67.032.452 impressions, spending $ 6.433,69 The targeted audience was 350.358.020 users, living in: The United States, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Venezuela, Argentina, Australia, Chile, Austria, Russia, Portugal, France or Germany Age 18 and older Campaign summary

9 The ad image is decidedly the most important factor Future initiatives need to be run in separate campaigns for maximum impact Conclusion

10 Nordic eMarketing Thank you

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