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Shujaat Hussain.  Karmasphere's core technology, the Karmasphere Application Framework, is an open platform that provides independence across Hadoop.

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Presentation on theme: "Shujaat Hussain.  Karmasphere's core technology, the Karmasphere Application Framework, is an open platform that provides independence across Hadoop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shujaat Hussain

2  Karmasphere's core technology, the Karmasphere Application Framework, is an open platform that provides independence across Hadoop cluster infrastructure.  It provides easy, one-click deployment across any cloud or cluster, and a rich and friendly user-interface to maximize productivity, discovery and insight.


4  Ensures Hadoop Distribution and Version independence  Works from windows  Supports any Hadoop Enviroment: Public, private and cloud service

5 BenefitKarmasphere Client Support Job portability MapReduce jobs deployed with the Karmasphere Client are portable across multiple Hadoop implementations, including across different version types and vendors. Operating System portability Portable across Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. No other Hadoop client is completely portable across all these platforms. Firewall Hopping The Apache Hadoop JobClient cannot deploy MapReduce jobs to a JobTracker behind a firewall. Karmasphere Studio is now fully able to deploy, monitor and manage jobs on clusters that are protected by a firewall. Fault Tolerant API Allows the developer to build complex processes around the client without worrying about one part of the system having an adverse impact on another. Synchronous and Asynchronous API Asynchronous APIs make it easy for the developer to monitor and manage busy clusters without requiring multiple processes or threads. Clean Object Oriented DesignOur easy to understand, intuitive, encapsulated and well-behaved design saves time and effort throughout your development and ongoing production environment.


7  Karmasphere Services simplifies low-level control of MapReduce jobs and the Hadoop File System (HDFS) for the Big Data professional.  Rather than dealing with low-level Hadoop management Karmasphere Services provides cluster monitoring, job monitoring, and file system management through a high-level user environment. This not only saves time learning Hadoop, but also increases productivity when using Hadoop.



10  Big Data professionals want to work with different analytical frameworks and languages to maximize their productivity. Java is the primary language developers use to deal with Hadoop clusters, but new and varied languages are emerging to meet different user requirements.  Hive, for example, is emerging as a simple SQL-like language that enables business analysts to more easily take advantage of Hadoop implementations. Karmasphere supports an increasing variety of languages while maintaining the benefits of the entire Karmasphere Application Framework.

11  The Karmasphere Application Framework enables a rich GUI to access all levels of the Hadoop application stack, from the job definition language to the operation of the job on the cluster. There is no need to learn command-line instructions or to struggle with the intricacies of a particular Hadoop implementation.

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