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The Science of Life I. Organization of Life A. Domains of Life B. Viruses C. DNA D. Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science of Life I. Organization of Life A. Domains of Life B. Viruses C. DNA D. Evolution."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Science of Life I. Organization of Life A. Domains of Life B. Viruses C. DNA D. Evolution

3 A. Domains of Life Three Domains Prokaryotes 1. Archaea 2. Bacteria 3. Eukarya Protista Fungi Plants Animals nucleus Prokaryotes and eukaryotes Eukaryotes Bonobos

4 A. Domains of Life Extremophiles 1. Archaea (-um) Prokaryotes autotrophs

5 Escherichia coli (E.coli) pathogen Resistance and Natural Selection Staphylococcus aureus 2. Bacteria (-um)

6 Inside bacteria cells (cell membrane) loopy ubiquitous autotrophs heterotrophs Cell reproduction

7 In which of the following environments would you most likely find an archaeum? a. on the leaf of a tree b. on a table top c. inside of a volcano d. in a dog ’ s mouth

8 3. Eukarya Protista Fungi Animalia Plantae

9 a. Protista Chagas Malaria Sleeping sickness Intracellular parasites Single celled; nucleus Autotrophs and heterotrophs

10 b. Fungi Filamentous growth Extracellular digestion Hypha(e) Spores Cell wall

11 Human Pathogens Candida albicans Yeast infection Cradle cap Thrush Athlete’s foot Ringworm PenicilliumPneumonia Heterotrophs

12 c. Plants PS:6CO 2 +6H 2 OC 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 Autotrophs Light Energy

13 d. Animals Heterotrophs Invertebrates Vertebrates No cell walls

14 Which of the following contains no autotrophs? a. fungi b. plants c. protista d. bacteria e. more than one of these Which is a difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? a. prokaryotes don ’ t have DNA; eukaryotes do b. prokaryotes don ’ t grow or reproduce; eukaryotes do c. prokaryotes have a nucleus; eukaryotes don ’ t d. eukaryotes have a nucleus; prokaryotes don ’ t

15 What can autotrophs do that heterotrophs cannot do? a. maintain homeostasis b. move from one place to another without any aid c. produce carbon dioxide d. make their own carbohydrates

16 B. Viruses HIV Flu Cold Ebola ERVs H1N1

17 Infect more cells B. Viruses: Infection protein coat viral DNA or RNA Living or non-living?

18 Which of the following is a reason for why viruses are considered non-living? a. they can ’ t be killed b. they don ’ t have a nucleus c. they don ’ t have DNA d. they don ’ t metabolize Of the following, which is the best treatment for a viral infection? a. antibiotics b. get rest and drink liquids c. run a marathon d. eat lots of chocolate and watch Oprah

19 C. DNA: Unity and Diversity of Life Double helix

20 C. DNA: Unity and Diversity of Life A, C, T, G Two roles of DNA: Self replication Genetic code Genetic code

21 DNA is like a cookbook Genes are like recipes for proteins Codons are like the words in the recipes ATCG are like the letters of the words DNA Analogy Amino Acids are like the ingredients Ribosomes are like the ovens RNA is like the cook

22 In the DNA analogy, what are codons? a. the recipes b. the cooks c. the letters d. the words

23 D. Evolution: the Organizing Principle of Biology Natural selection- the main theory of evolution Theory- a well documented, explanatory principle Evolution explains why organisms are similar (common ancestry) and why they are different (adaptation). Antibiotic resistance

24 D. Evolution: the Organizing Principle of Biology Genetic variation is the raw material for evolution Natural selection

25 Misconceptions About Evolution 1. Many scientists reject evolution. 2. There are no transitional forms (missing links) in the fossil record. 3. Evolution is just a theory. Theory – a well-documented, explanatory principle 4. If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys around? More myths of evolution 5. Only atheists believe in evolution.

26 What is the raw material for evolution? a. natural selection b. reproduction c. genetic variation d. environmental change A theory is a well documented, _____ principle. a. expository b. explanatory c. entertaining d. expeditious

27 Cell Biology in the News

28 What is the controversy over PGD? a. it can be used to detect lethal genetic disorders b. it can be used to detect non-lethal genetic disorders c. it can be used to detect the sex of an embryo d. more than one of these is controversial

29 The Founding Fathers of Biology Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE)

30 The Founding Fathers of Biology Gregor Mendel (1823-1884)Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

31 Concept map

32 The End


34 Scientific Support for Evolution NABT AAAS NAS The rest of the world?



37 The Clergy Letter Project

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