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Kevin Mackiw Steve D’Aiutolo. The Lexus and the Olive Tree.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Mackiw Steve D’Aiutolo. The Lexus and the Olive Tree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Mackiw Steve D’Aiutolo


3 The Lexus and the Olive Tree

4 140 percent

5 34.5 million

6 Blacks and Whites

7 True

8 Mary Beard

9 Hyperpower

10 50%

11 80%

12 President Lázaro Cárdenas


14 Guaranteed human rights and property protections for minorities.

15 “Rule of Law”

16 Expanding educational opportunity for the black majority

17 Bring impoverished, often illiterate majorities up to the level where they can compete successfully.

18 Laissez-faire

19 Progressive taxation, social security, unemployment insurance, antitrust and financial regulation.

20 Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Umbro, Mitre, and Brine.

21 Badminton players who won the countries first gold medal at the Barcelona Olympics.

22 Supported the nations mostly white rugby team by wearing its green and gold jerseys at the world championships.

23 Providing health care, supporting family planning, and addressing chronic environmental problems such as deforestation that infuriate local populations


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