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Visual support for requirement elicitation technique Presented by, Nithin Shenoy Nimmy Joshy Guide Dr. A. Serebrenik (TU/e) Barbara Pareglio (Ericsson)

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Presentation on theme: "Visual support for requirement elicitation technique Presented by, Nithin Shenoy Nimmy Joshy Guide Dr. A. Serebrenik (TU/e) Barbara Pareglio (Ericsson)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual support for requirement elicitation technique Presented by, Nithin Shenoy Nimmy Joshy Guide Dr. A. Serebrenik (TU/e) Barbara Pareglio (Ericsson)

2 Introduction Requirement elicitation Process of discovering the requirements for a system by communication with customers, system users and others who have a stake in the system development[1]. Importance First step towards identifying the “Right things to do” and “Doing the things right” Challenges Ambiguous requirements, Assumed requirements Conflicting requirements IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences / SET Seminar 12/09/2009PAGE 2

3 Contd.. PAGE 312/09/2009 / SET Seminar IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences

4 Requirement elicitation with visualization Picture = 1000 words!!! Better understanding of requirements Can help identify new requirements Better way of keeping track of requirements / SET Seminar IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences PAGE 412/09/2009

5 Objective Literature study of requirement elicitation techniques. Feasibility study of visual support for requirement elicitation techniques in Ericsson. IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences / SET Seminar 12/09/2009PAGE 5

6 Requirement elicitation techniques Categories [2] Conversational −Interviews, focus group, workshop, brainstorming Observational −Task Observation, protocol analysis Analytic methods −Card sorting, Laddering Collaborative −Scenarios/Use cases, prototyping IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences / SET Seminar 12/09/2009PAGE 6

7 Contd.. So many elicitation techniques PAGE 7 Which elicitation technique to choose? IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009 / SET Seminar

8 Framework to choose elicitation techniques A framework is required to decide on elicitation techniques to be used based on the project [4]. Decision making needs two types of information Attributes Recommendations on adequacy The attributes describing the same context are grouped into factors. / SET Seminar IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009PAGE 8

9 Contd.. Different factors identified / SET Seminar PAGE 9 Factors Elicitation process Problem domain Informant Elicitor IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009

10 Contd.. Elicitor Training in elicitation techniques Elicitation experience Experience with elicitation techniques Familiarity with domain High Low Zero …… … / SET Seminar IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009PAGE 10 Elicitor attributes

11 Contd.. Recommendations on adequacy of techniques for certain values of attributes / SET Seminar IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009PAGE 11

12 Visualization support Commonly used elicitation technique is interviews Open ended Closed Identification of visualization tools Visualization using mind mapping technique / SET Seminar PAGE 12 IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009

13 Visualization Tools Some of the tools identified Free Mind XMIND VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009PAGE 13 / SET Seminar

14 Example – FreeMind / SET Seminar PAGE 14 IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009

15 Future work Applicability of visualization tool for other requirement elicitation techniques Feasibility study of visual support for requirement elicitation techniques. / SET Seminar IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences PAGE 1512/09/2009

16 References [1] “Requirements Engineering A good practice guide,” Ian Sommerville and Pete Sawyer, John Wiley and Sons, 1997. [2] “Effective Requirements Development - A Comparison of Requirements Elicitation techniques,” Zheying Zhang, SQM2007 conference, 2007. [3] “ACRE: Selecting Methods for Requirement Acquisition”, N.A.M. Maiden, G. Rugg, Software engineering journal, May 1996. [4] “Study of Elicitation Techniques Adequacy”, Dante Carrizo, Oscar Dieste, Natalia Juristo, 11 th Workshop in Requirement Engineering, 2008. / SET Seminar PAGE 16 IntroductionObjectiveLiterature Study Visual Support Future WorkReferences 12/09/2009

17 Questions / SET Seminar 12/09/2009PAGE 17

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