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P11451 Week 4 Cook Stove Test Stand Group David Sam Huseyin Zorba Phillip Amsler.

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Presentation on theme: "P11451 Week 4 Cook Stove Test Stand Group David Sam Huseyin Zorba Phillip Amsler."— Presentation transcript:

1 P11451 Week 4 Cook Stove Test Stand Group David Sam Huseyin Zorba Phillip Amsler

2 Agenda Customer Needs-v3 Engineering Specs-v3 System Level Work-v2 Work Breakdown Failure Fish Bone Schedule-v2 Risk List-v2 Hardware Outputs and Shortcomings Error Testing and Benchmarking Plans for week 5

3 Customer Needs-Updated Revision #:2 Customer Need # ImportanceDescriptionComments/Status CN11 Accurate Statistical Results: Repeatable results, minimize variability and quantify uncertainty Main customer need, by minimizing variability we can achieve repeatable results and quantify our uncertainty. CN21Document standardized water boil test Document a water boil test or modified water boil test with a test procedure and user manual. CN31Document standardized quick stove test Create and document a quick stove test procedure for teams to test under a range of scenarios with instant feedback. By changing one input, user should be able to identify the impact in the output. This test should have a user manual. CN41Document a field like test Create and document a test procedure to test the stove under Haitian cooking style which may include longer time to boil. Procedure should be documented with a user manual. CN51Measure efficiency and it's uncertainty Measure the efficiency of the thermal versus chemical energy used. CN61SafetyTest stand should be safe to operate for untrained users. CN71Benchmark against other stoves Test and compare our stove versus rebar stove or another kind of stove under same test conditions. This will allow comparison of results such as fuel usage, emissions, and time to boil CN81Quantify emissionsGreenhouse gases such as CO. CN92Quantify particulate matter Any solid matter output from the stove into the surrounding environment. CN102Durable Test stand should be durable and able to withstand years of testing CN10 2Ease of use Test stand should be ergonomic and easily used by one user. Also testing should be easily performed by any user.

4 Engineering Specifications-Updated Revision #:2 Engr. Spec. # ImportanceSource Specification (description) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal ValueComments/Status ES11 CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4, CN7 Repeatable time to boil Standard deviation (%) <20%<10% Boiling time (mins) is an output of the WBT and customer need is to have these results be repeatable and to minimize variability ES21 CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4, CN7 Repeatable specific fuel consumption Standard deviation (%) <20%<10% Ratio of total amount of wood used to the amount of water (grams fuel/ grams of water) from WBT, this a specification that can be used in benchmarking. ES31 CN1, CN2, CN3,CN4, CN5, CN7 Repeatable thermal efficiency of stove Coefficient of Variation (%) <20%<10% Ratio of the work done by heating and evaporating water to the energy consumed by the fuel source. The thermal efficiency should be repeatable to ensure validity of testing. ES41 CN1, CN2,CN3, CN4 CN7 Repeatable fuel rate consumption Standard deviation (%) <10%<5% Fuel rate consumption (g/min), by obtaining repeatable results, we can observe the differences in setting up the fuel source and lighting procedure to help us determine the best method and which is conserve fuel the best. ES51 CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4, CN7 Repeatable firepower Standard deviation (%) <10%<5% Firepower is the rate of fuel energy consumed by the stove per minute which can give us the power output of the stove in watts. This can be calculated from WBT data and could also be useful benchmarking. ES61 CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4, CN7, CN8 Accurate emission measurements Std Dev g (grams) <2.0 grams < 1.0 grams Based on Aprovecho WBT emission performance testing, cook stoves should emit less than 20 grams of CO and most forced air stoves emit less than 10 grams. ES71CN6 Number of accidents# Accidents00 Accidents relating to burns, cuts, and shock should be zero for maximum safety. This test stand must be safe for general use. ES81 CN2, CN3, CN4, CN8 User manual ease# Questions<30 Through documentation, any user should be able to read and set up the test stand and perform testing without any questions. ES92 CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4, CN7, CN9 Accurate particulate measurements Std Dev (mg) <150 mg<50 mg Based on Aprovecho WBT emission performance testing, cook stoves should emit less than 1500 grams of particulate matter and it seems that most forced air stoves emit less than 500 mg. ES102CN10 Set up timeminutes<20< 10 Related to ease of use, set up time for any user should not take longer than 20 minutes. Goal would be 10 minutes from transporting stand and equipment to loading fuel and lighting fuel.

5 System Level Work System Specifications (Size, Fan, etc.) Noise Factors System Outcomes Positives a)Efficiency Negatives a)Emissions b)Particulate Matter

6 System Level Work Inputs Test Standards a)Charcoal b)Stove (Any Kind) c)Test Type (Short, Relevant, WBT) d)Lighting Technique SYSTEMSYSTEM Outputs a)Emissions b)Solid Wastes c)Test Time d)Efficiency e)Statistical Accuracy

7 System Level Work Improvement Assessment Change in DesignWaste Management Impact Assessment EcologicalHealth Inventory Quantify:Raw Material,Energy,WastePerform the Test Goal Project Scope

8 Work Break Down

9 Fish Bone

10 Schedule-Version 2

11 Risk List-Version 2 IDRisk ItemEffectCause Likelihood Severity Importance Action to Minimize RiskOwner # Short description of project risk. What is the effect on any or all of the project deliverables if the cause actually happens? What are the possible cause(s) of this risk? L*S What action(s) will you take (and by when) to prevent, reduce the impact of, or transfer the risk of this occurring? Who is responsible for following through on mitigation? 1 Metrics could be inaccurate or changing. (Charcoal Mass, Volume Water, etc.) Bad test, data neglected-repeatability decreases. Bad test standards, poor measurement devices. 122 Solid repeatable procedure with proven measurement devices (i.e. beakers, scale, etc.) Huseyin 4 Test difficult to assemble or run. Time lost in experiment, and likely require more than 1 person to run Test stand difficult to push, multiple pieces to assemble, difficult to hook up wires. 313 Minimize number of pieces in assembly, and increase mobility of stand. Huseyin 7 Data acquisition hardware failure/breakdown Cost of new equipment, extra test needed. Hotter fire from wood, general ware. 133 Careful handling of test equipment and solid repeatable procedure. Phil 3 Emission data inaccurate or immeasurable Emission data unknown, or could add noise to the system output. Emission sensor maxed out or not capable of reading highly concentrated emissions. 224 Install researched and proven Emission measurement device Dave 6 Changing fuel type (hard/soft charcoal, wood, vines, and combinations) More variables, less repeatability, and more test runs needed. Changing brands of charcoal 224Use one repeatable fuel typeDave 2Ventilation Failure Emission data unknown, test will need to be redone. Fan won’t start, chimney breaks, or won’t attach properly. 236Install dependable fan.Phil 5 Changing weather or atmospheric conditions Noise added to experimental efficiency, etc. Changing humidity, temperature, wind, etc. 326 Plan to standardize moisture in coal before the experiment, and generally plan for tests during fair weather. Phil

12 Test Stand Hardware Outputs CO Particulate Matter Uncertainties CO MeterFilterNew Vent FanTesting Extreme Cases Extech CO50 SamplingBig Fan Wait time during lighting Wet/Dry Charcoal Whole Chimney Charcoal sizes Temp Range Impede Chimney? Relative Sample? Δ Emissions Δ Start Time Solution Choices Problems 12

13 Error Testing and Benchmarking Test other stoves (i.e.. Rebar) for emissions – Compare to published WBT data – Check if test stand has systematic or arbitrary errors If test is successfully repeatable then we will know how the P11461 stove compares.

14 Plans for Week 5 Create System Level Review Fix Test Stand-New Exhaust Fan and Wheels Perform Tests-Collect Data Continue qualitative tests Receive feedback and continue to iterate project deliverables Update EDGE

15 Invitees for The System Design Review Professor John Wellin (ME) Professor Robert Stevens (ME) Professor Brian Thorn (IE) Professor Matthew Marshall (IE) Professor Ed Hanzlik (ME)

16 Questions?

17 Particulate Filter Placement Whole Chimney% Sampling Added Head LossUnknown Relation Sample/Actual Could Choke ChimneyAssumes Uniform Concentration Reverse Q Leak Uncommon Testing Method Unknown Flow Rate Q Vent Q Stove Q Leak Whole Chimney% Sampling Known Particulate Mass Negligible affect on flow rate Simple Test Method (mass difference) Simple Test Cheap Minimum Change in Test Stand Pros Cons *Simple qualitative test with shirt or other impedance on Chimney will determine viability.

18 Testing Extreme Conditions TestWet/Dry CharcoalLighter Fluid Wait TimesVarying Charcoal Sizes 1Test with charcoal set at room humidity (~25%) Apply lighter fluid uniformly and immediately light Use charcoal straight from the bag (1kg) 2Test with charcoal set at high humidity (~75%) Apply lighter fluid uniformly and wait to light for 5-7 minutes (standard WBT) Cut coal into uniform pieces and place piece by piece in stove. (1kg) 3 - Apply lighter fluid uniformly and wait to light for ~30 minutes -

19 Why the EXTECH CO50 Meant for High CO concentrations – 0-10,000 ppm range. – Higher than current CO meter Reasonable price – $229 Small dimensions – 1.5" x 10" x 1.1“ will fit current test stand

20 Supporting Slides 1

21 Supporting Slides 2

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