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Lyric Poetry 8 th Grade ELA. Definition of Lyric Poetry Lyric poetry is poetry that express the feelings and thoughts of the speaker. Lyric poems don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Lyric Poetry 8 th Grade ELA. Definition of Lyric Poetry Lyric poetry is poetry that express the feelings and thoughts of the speaker. Lyric poems don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lyric Poetry 8 th Grade ELA

2 Definition of Lyric Poetry Lyric poetry is poetry that express the feelings and thoughts of the speaker. Lyric poems don’t tell stories, and they state directly a single, strong emotion. The word lyric comes from the word lyre, which refers to a stringed instrument like a small harp.

3 Lyre In ancient Greece, people used to recite poems to the strumming of a lyre. If you look up the lyrics to your favorite songs, you will notice that they are examples of lyric poetry.

4 Read/Write I am going to ask you to read several poems, and then in writing respond to three questions. Write your name, the date, and your class period on your paper. Make sure you write in complete sentences. You will hand in your papers to the bins at the end of class.

5 A Valentine for Ernest Mann What about this poem tells you that it is an example of lyric poetry? What poetic techniques does the poet use? What might this poem be about?

6 Ellen Hopkins Read “Haven” and “Eyes Tell Stories.” What about these poems tells you that they are an example of lyric poetry? What poetic techniques does the poet use? What might these poem be about?

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