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[A SSISTIVE ] T ECHNOLOGY A DOPTION AND A BANDONMENT Katherine Deibel Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington, Seattle.

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Presentation on theme: "[A SSISTIVE ] T ECHNOLOGY A DOPTION AND A BANDONMENT Katherine Deibel Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington, Seattle."— Presentation transcript:

1 [A SSISTIVE ] T ECHNOLOGY A DOPTION AND A BANDONMENT Katherine Deibel Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington, Seattle

2 October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World AT only helps when it is used 8-75% of AT abandoned after purchase (avg. rate is 35%) Waste of time, funds, and resources for all involved Learned helplessness and pessimism 2

3 O UTLINE Technology Adoption Overview Case Study from Peru Assistive Technology Adoption October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 3

4 Everett Rogers, Sociologist General model of how new ideas and technology spread Applied to multiple fields Has adapted to changes in communication technologies October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World Number of adoptions Cumulative adoptions 4 D IFFUSION OF I NNOVATIONS

5 Communication drives diffusion S-curves Early adopters Change agents October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 5 D IFFUSION OF I NNOVATIONS Cumulative adoptions

6 A DOPTION P ROCESS October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World Awareness of innovation Interest, motivation, and learning Decision Reject Adopt 6

7 October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World A DOPTION P ROCESS Implementation, integration, and evaluation Confirmation and finalization Full Adoption / Integration Adaptation / Reinvention Abandonment / Discontinuance 7

8 Promote boiling of water in lowland Peruvian village Only 11 out of 200 housewives adopted boiling Classic case of diffusion failure October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 8 C ASE S TUDY: L OS M OLINOS Wellin, 1955

9 Ignored local tradition / culture Overly focused on early adopters Failure to identify and influence change agents Innovation-oriented instead of client-oriented October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 9 C ASE S TUDY: L OS M OLINOS Wellin, 1955

10 October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World AT A DOPTION Survey studies of adoption and abandonment Longitudinal studies of AT usage Models of AT adoption AT design recommendations Common findings throughout A DDITIONAL S TUDIES : Phillips and Zhao (1993); Elkind et al. (1996); Wehmeyer (1995, 1998); Martin and McCormack (1999); Riemer-Reiss and Wacker (2000); Koester (2003); Dawe (2006); Shinohara and Tenenberg (2007); Scherer (2005) 10

11 Unawareness of what is available Decision of doctors, experts, or insurance company Decision of caretakers October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 11 F ACTORS IN AT A DOPTION Involvement in selection process

12 October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 12 F ACTORS IN AT A DOPTION Cost and Effort Initial purchase Physical and cognitive effort of usage Maintenance / replacement costs Utility : Cost balance

13 Serious time and effort Presence of professional support Need for evidence of gains and improvement October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 13 F ACTORS IN AT A DOPTION Training

14 Important tasks and activities Multiple locales and contexts Relative advantage October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 14 F ACTORS IN AT A DOPTION Integration

15 Looks “institutional” or “handicapped” Colors Personal style October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 15 F ACTORS IN AT A DOPTION Aesthetics and Cosmesis

16 October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World Social perceptions of disability Past experiences of ridicule, shame, or trauma Denial or avoidance 16 F ACTORS IN AT A DOPTION Stigma and Hiding

17 Blind due to premature birth Actively disavowed his blindness Mobility training in his early 30s Guide dog in his mid 30s October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 17 S TIGMA C ASE S TUDY Stephen Kuusisto

18 Adoption is critical for long-term change Keep adoption in mind Growing body of research to consult More: technology acceptance, diffusion methodologies, etc. October 2, 2009 -- Technology and Disability in the Developing World 18 C ONCLUDING T HOUGHTS Contact Information: Kate Deibel

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