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Oregon Explorer SMILE Teacher Workshop Tuesday August 10, 2010 Kuuipo Walsh Oregon Explorer

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1 Oregon Explorer SMILE Teacher Workshop Tuesday August 10, 2010 Kuuipo Walsh Oregon Explorer

2 What is the Oregon Explorer? Digital Library Central access to information about Oregon’s natural resources Information Documents, Maps, Images, Tables Stories: who, what, why Provides access to this information in ways you cannot find anywhere else

3 Oregon Explorer portals Current Portals Recent Basin Portals Launched: June 2010

4 Most Popular Oregon Explorer Features Accessed and Usage GIS Mapping Tools Multi-media Stories Visualization & Reporting Tools Imagery Archived Documents Spatial Data Ave. # Visitor Sessions/day : 680 Total # of sessions since 6/07: 774K Note: Basin portal usage tracked separately

5 Who can use Oregon Explorer? Educators Students Scientists Researchers Media staff Citizen volunteers Landowners Interested public Librarians Natural resource decision-makers Public agencies Watershed council members Local planners Extension agents Soil and water conservation district staff

6 Using Oregon Explorer in the Classroom

7 Oregon Explorer use in the classroom CSS/GEO 335: Introduction to Water Science and Policy – students use the Wetlands Explorer for their final project GEO 335: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – students use the Willamette Basin Explorer for their final project GEO 423: Land Use – incorporates the Explorer portals into lab exercises GEO 465/565: Geographic Information Systems and Science FW 435&535: Wildlife in Agricultural Ecosystems FW 445&545: Ecological Restoration SOC 475: Rural Sociology BA 363: Technology and Innovation Management BA 260: Introduction to Entrepreneurship BA 101: Business Now

8 Making Maps Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map issues across the state (by county, census tract, watershed, etc.) will help you: – Target money and effort on the places that have need – Identify communities with similar issues that could work together or learn from each other – See how different areas of Oregon face different problems and have different assets

9 Natural Resource Issues Addressed by Oregon Explorer Mapping Tools Land Use Wildfire Risk Wildlife Conservation Watershed Restoration Wetland Rehabilitation Hazards Rural-Urban Divide Measure 37 & 49 Viewers Wildfire Risk Tool Wildlife Viewer Watershed Restoration Tool Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol Tool Hazards Reporter Oregon Communities Reporter Issue and Portal linkPortal Tool



12 Zoomed in on Bend, OR area Ask the map for more information about a point

13 The map tells you about the point you clicked on (using the “Identify Visible” tool) with all the layers that are on top of it Print or download your customized map

14 Example of Oregon Explorer Output Map Carolyn Bales of Corvallis is a backpacker and bird watcher. She says she’s used the Willamette Basin Explorer a dozen times to plan outings and to locate access points to water where birds abound. “Oregon Explorer saves me from having to buy maps, and acquaints me with areas I might not have discovered otherwise,” she says.

15 Click on the layer name for information about this layer, including where it came from

16 Framework data

17 Sample Exercises Map your watershed Find the wildlife in your watershed Home town: Canyonville Essay Question: What is the Federal status of Canada Lynx?

18 Oregon Explorer Contacts: Ruth Vondracek Oregon State University Libraries The Valley Library (541) 737-9273 Marc Rempel Oregon State University Libraries The Valley Library (541) 737-4744 Renee Davis-Born Institute for Natural Resources 210 Strand Hall Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Kuuipo Walsh Institute for Natural Resources The Valley Library (541) 737-3795

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