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Developmental Tests Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development,

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental Tests Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental Tests Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development,
third edition (Bayley-III)

2 Bayley Scales Nancy Bayley – Institute of Child Welfare – Berkeley CA
Original test 1969 Revised 2005

3 Characteristics of test
1- 42 months Flexible administration format 50 to 90 minutes Theoretically eclectic English only

4 Uses of Bayley-III Identify developmentally delayed children
Chart progress on intervention program Teach parents about development Research tool

5 Major goals of revision
Meet IDEA 2004 cirteria Update normative data Extend age range Improve content coverage Update stimulus materials Improve psychometric quality Improve clinical utility of scales Preserve basic qualities of scale

6 Scales Cognitive Language Motor Social-Emotional* Adaptive Behavior*

7 Cognitive scale (Cog) Infant: interest, attention/habituation, play
Toddler: exploration (toys, situations), problem solving, puzzle completion Preschool: pretend play, building blocks, color matching, counting, more complex puzzles

8 Language scale (Lang) Receptive Communication (RC):
Infant: recognize sounds, objects, people Toddler: identify pictures and objects, follow directions, play peek-a-boo, wave bye-bye Preschool: follow more complex directions, identify action pictures, understand basic grammar

9 Language scale (Lang) Expressive Communication (EC)
Infant: non-verbal expressions Toddler: use words to identify pictures, answer questions Preschool: more complex stimuli than toddler

10 Motor Scale (Mot) Fine Motor (FM)
Infant: following with eyes, hand to mouth, reaching or grasping Toddler: stacking blocks, drawing simple shapes, place coins in slots Preschool: draw more complex shapes, build simple structures, use scissors

11 Motor Scale Gross Motor (GM)
Infant: head control, rolling, sitting, crawling Toddler: crawling, stepping, support own weight, stand without assistance Preschool: climb stairs, run, maintain balance, kick a ball

12 Social-Emotional (SE)
Caregivers give feedback Infant: interest, getting attention, calming, responsiveness Toddler: means/ends behavior, imitation play, imagination, word use Preschool: interactions with peers/adults, describe feelings, use emotions

13 Adaptive Behavior Communication Functional Pre-Academics
Self-Direction Leisure Social Community use Home living Health and Safety Self-Care motor

14 Video of Bayley assessment
video link


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