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Il Dottorato di Ricerca al Politecnico di Milano PhD Programmes at Politecnico di Milano XXVII Cycle – 2011/12 Prof. Barbara Pernici.

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Presentation on theme: "Il Dottorato di Ricerca al Politecnico di Milano PhD Programmes at Politecnico di Milano XXVII Cycle – 2011/12 Prof. Barbara Pernici."— Presentation transcript:

1 Il Dottorato di Ricerca al Politecnico di Milano PhD Programmes at Politecnico di Milano XXVII Cycle – 2011/12 Prof. Barbara Pernici


3 Prof. Barbara Pernici Provenance of PhD candidates (Spring 2011) 3

4 Prof. Barbara Pernici OUTLINE Introduction General information about PhD at Politecnico The structure of studies Opportunities and services 4

5 Prof. Barbara Pernici INTRO Who am I?  Barbara Pernici Director of PhD School Professor at Department of Electronics and Information Research topics: Information Systems, Green IT 5


7 Prof. Barbara Pernici 7 PhD at Politecnico di Milano  25 Programmes in English or with an English track  Approx 350 new PhD students per year (out of 1200 applicants) - 28% International students registered in Spring 2011 - 75% of them obtain scholarships or research contracts Currently around 960 PhD candidates + new registrations

8 Prof. Barbara Pernici 8 Engineering Aerospace Engineering Bioengineering Building Engineering Electrical Engineering Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Information Technology Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Materials Engineering Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering Mechanical Engineering Physics Rotary-Wing Aircrafts Structural, Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering PhD Programmes Architecture & Design Architectural Composition Architecture and Urban Design Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation of Housing and Landscape Design and Technologies Exploitation for the Cultural Heritage Interior Architecture & Design Preservation of Architectural Heritage Spatial Planning and Urban Development Technology and Design for the built Environment Territorial Design and Government Design

9 Prof. Barbara Pernici PhD short story 1985 STARTING PHD PROGRAM IN ITALY  PhD Programs in Departments 2001 PhD School started  Coordinates PhD programs and provides central services 2011  Spring XXVI cycle  Autumn XXVII cycle 9

10 Prof. Barbara Pernici PhD curriculum Courses  PhD School courses  Courses offered by PhD Programs  Other courses Research activity Development of PhD thesis  Thesis = Your GOAL  thesis = original research contribution  First year: thesis proposal 10

11 Prof. Barbara Pernici THE PhD EDUCATION PROCESS Courses  Mainly in the first two years  A minumum number of credits is fixed for each program (usually 30-40) (ECTS credits)  5 of these credits have to be acquired within the PhD School) List of courses 2011 on line, 2012 coming up soon  Some additional basic courses cn be assigned to you if you need to complement your background  For foreign PhD candidates: Italian language couse (extra credits, not valid towards degree) Research  The rest of the time …  PhD is a full time activity, usually over three (or four) years PhD Thesis  Your goal 11

12 Prof. Barbara Pernici 12 PhD candidate workload study research 1° year       2° year       3° year       PhD development – Workload distribution

13 Prof. Barbara Pernici Tutor: faculty member responsible for the course program, for monitoring its quality and achievement of the student Supervisors: one or more scientists (possibly external) responsible for the PhD research development. Supervisors and tutor are to be agreed with your Program Coordinator Within the first year you have to present a first research proposal for the thesis Supervision of the PhD candidates THE PhD SUPPORT

14 Prof. Barbara Pernici 14 Faculty members Department Tutors & Supervisors PhD candidates PhD Organization PhD School

15 Prof. Barbara Pernici PhD program board of professors (Collegio dei Docenti): yearly evaluation of the candidates and admission to the final defense. Yearly evaluation: based on credits and course grades and on the results achieved with the research performed Final admission: based on the overall course and research achievements Guidance of PhD candidates THE PhD MILESTONES

16 Prof. Barbara Pernici How to select courses Look at web sites (, then select PhD course) Indications are given within your PhD course Usually you get advice from tutor, supervisor, coordinator, and peers You may be requested to compile a study plan (on line)  Ask your department how and when you have to register for the courses On-line services  Accessible from polimi web site  Access credentials given by the PhD School secretariat Needed for many things (e-mail, wifi access, …)  Usually this requires some days after registration (expect them by mid October-beginning of November) 16

17 Prof. Barbara Pernici 17 PhD opportunities: Research  The PhD title is nowadays a necessary requirement to enter Academic Research  However, the PhD title is also appreciated by companies and it is a requirement abroad for some positions, not only in research labs  PhD Candidates are directly involved in active research. Their average number of peer-reviewed publications is ~2  Active participation in International Congresses and Schools is finantially supported by the individual PhD Courses


19 Prof. Barbara Pernici Internationalization  Foreign Students  Foreign professors  Short- and long-term exchanges with foreign Universities and Research Centres (also funded e.g. Rocca Project , Erasmus funds)  Formal cooperation with foreign Universities (list on Polimi web site) –Joint Degrees –Double Degrees THE PhD INTERNATIONAL PROCESS

20 Prof. Barbara Pernici 20 PhD opportunities: Internationalization  If you have a schlarship PhD Schools provide wide support for spending up to 18 months abroad (50% stipend increase for students with scholarship)  A period abroad is strongly encouraged (more than half of the students do at least 1 month abroad)  Polimi is among the leading international Institutions in establishing double/joint doctorate agreements  Shorter stays in Europe qualify for the Doctor Europaeus title  Some PhD courses taught by foreign professors (52 courses last 3 years)

21 Prof. Barbara Pernici  PhD Offices  PhD School secretariat  PhD secretariat/administration in your department  PhD Coordinators  PhD Tutors and Supervisors  PhD Students Representatives THE PhD PROBLEM SOLVERS

22 Prof. Barbara Pernici PhD students representatives At School level At Department level Activities  A PhD association is being started at University level  Some accociation might exist already at the Department level  A PoliPhD journal is being started  You can meet them tomorrow within the PhD Week initiatives (see polimi web site) 22

23 Prof. Barbara Pernici Career Service Career Service follows PhD candidates during their studies and professional career, offering focused and personalized services:  Career advisory: a set of meetings and courses to understand career objectives and to acquire skills essential to find a job  Stage: a support for internship or apprenticeship  Placement: a service in direct contact with the business giving access to job offer, meetings with companies, internships.

24 Prof. Barbara Pernici TO CONCLUDE… 24

25 Prof. Barbara Pernici Graduates Around 250 graduates in 2011, diploma awarding ceremony on Friday

26 Prof. Barbara Pernici For further information 26

27 Prof. Barbara Pernici QUESTIONS? 27

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