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Pacific Capacity Development Workshop on M & E Progress in Education 27-31 Oct 2008 TONGA EMIS UNDER DEVELOPMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific Capacity Development Workshop on M & E Progress in Education 27-31 Oct 2008 TONGA EMIS UNDER DEVELOPMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific Capacity Development Workshop on M & E Progress in Education 27-31 Oct 2008 TONGA EMIS UNDER DEVELOPMENT

2 OUTLINE 1. Process – Data Collection 2. Initial Development of EMIS Software - Issues

3 PAST  6 Divisions of the Ministry responsible for their own collection  No standard format of capturing forms …forms…  Duplication and Repetition of information collected  Large amount of data collected and stored in excel files but no EMIS in place

4 2008  February: UNESCO/SPBEA First Visit – stocktaking of data collection, consultation with the all the divisions of the Ministry and stakeholders – review of the current situation with regard to EMIS functions and activities, and especially to identify needs and gaps aiming towards developing an effective, efficient and sustainable EMIS suitable to the Ministry  Need to consolidate data collection  March – Harmonization Team set up (all deputy directors, senior officers, local consultants, TESP Senior Advisor) …) …  Harmonize Data Needs and Collection ……

5 Cont’d  June: MOU signed with UNESCO & SPBEA to complete development of EMIS (Development Period: June 2008 – 31 December 2009)  confirmed MEWAC’s commitment  Design new capturing forms or templates ……  Interim Census conducted 14 August - carried out by the harmonization teams

6 CENSUS DATA ENTRY The first set of data from Census was entered to populate and to illustrate the interface of software


8 Challenges  further modifications of the forms required and new forms were tested at few schools  inconsistency in completing data capturing forms especially enrolment by age or calculated data  Collection of all registration lists with names and DOB (raw data)  Enormity of raw data to be entered

9 ACTIONS  Harmonization Teams to collect ALL the register lists of all schools in the country  Temporary staff from other divisions of the Ministry attached to EMIS Unit to enter raw data ……



12 Comments  a lot of consultations, consensus not only within the Ministry but also with stakeholders  new developments in short span of time  close consultations with development partners – UNESCO and SPBEA on modification of the module for efficient data entry process  ‘home grown’ software, not a ‘ready-made’ one – gradual development allows software developers and users to address critical issues arising  developed to suit the country’s needs

13 Initial Development of the Software …… Challenges – Development Team (SPBEA)

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