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Drupal Presentation - Menus CS 275 – Intro to Databases Fahmy Mohammed Spencer Forell Max Mueller.

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Presentation on theme: "Drupal Presentation - Menus CS 275 – Intro to Databases Fahmy Mohammed Spencer Forell Max Mueller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drupal Presentation - Menus CS 275 – Intro to Databases Fahmy Mohammed Spencer Forell Max Mueller

2 What are Menus? A collection of links (menu items) used to navigate a website Bridge different parts of the website together

3 Types of Menus Three types: Navigation -Main interactive menu for any site -Usually contains personalized links for authenticated users and is often not visible to anonymous users Primary Links -Show the major sections of a site Secondary Links -Used for pages that play a lesser role than primary links

4 Why do we need Menus? Menus are important because they act as the tool the user uses to navigate the website. Bridges different parts of the UI Without menus: -Users will feel lost -Would not support a good user friendly Interface -Hard to get where you want on the site

5 PKmlid FK1, I2, I1, I3menu_name I2plid link_path router_path link_title options module hidden external I2has_children I2expanded weight debth customized I1P1 I1P2 I1P3 I1P4 I1P5 I1P6 I1P7 I1P8 I1P9 updated menu_links PKmenu_name tile Description menu_custom PKpath load_functions to_arg_functions access_callback access_arguments page_callback page_arguments I1fit number_parts I2tab_parent tab_root title title_callback title_arguments type block_callback description position weight file menu_router

6 Menu_Custom Table Attributes: -Menu Name (Primary key) -Title -Description Menu Link is a weak entity of Menu custom

7 Menu_link Table Attributes: -Plid (Primary Key) -Menu name (Foreign key) -Link path -Router path -Link title -Options -Module -Hidden -External -Has children -Expanded -Weight -Depth -Customized

8 Menu_router Table Attributes: -Path (Primary Key) -Load Functions -To arg functions -Access callback -Access arguments -Page callback -Page arguments -Fit -Number parts -Tab parent -Tab root -Title -Title callback -Title arguments -Type -Block callback -Description -Position -Weight -File

9 Uses We can use menus in drupal for: -Accessing links through drupal -Accessing links via the web -Organizing how users navigate the webpage You can make your own web pages using php + html and link to them using menus For example: -assignment6


11 Different Menus Navigation is the main menu used by drupal -contents already created for you -can be edited any way you want Primary and Secondary links are initially empty Custom Menus


13 Features Utilize the navigation menu to customize the interface Add – Make an additonal menu Drag – Arrange menus into sub menus Delete – Drop a menu Edit – Change the description of a menu



16 Expanded – makes the menu permanently expanded Enabled – Determines if menu is accessible or not Features

17 Menu Functionality The most interesting feature is the way we can organize the menus Menu -> Navigation Primary links show up at the top of drupal

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