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CBT and It’s Applications for SW Practice Yau Tat-yu.

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Presentation on theme: "CBT and It’s Applications for SW Practice Yau Tat-yu."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBT and It’s Applications for SW Practice Yau Tat-yu

2 My Concerns Comprehensive, Balanced and Critical Views towards CBT It’s Implications to SW Practice Paths for further Development / Learning

3 Historical Development Revisions on Behavioral Therapies 1. Classical Conditioning (CC)? 2. Operant Conditioning (OC)?

4 Classical Conditioning (CC)

5 Operant Conditioning

6 Why Operant Conditioning is frequently applied in working with MI / MR / children / residential setting? Give examples for different schedules of reinforcement in our daily lives, and discuss the implications of its use in intervention

7 Operant Conditioning (OC) Applications of Operant Conditioning 1. Reinforcement Vs punishment 2. Positive and negative reinforcement 3. Reinforcement: behavior is shaped by its desirable consequence 4. Shaping, Fading, Chaining,…

8 Behavior Therapies Basic Assumptions 1. Behaviors are conditioned and shaped by stimulus and consequences 2. Human being is treated as ‘black box’.

9 Critical Remark 1 Sheldon Rose’s View

10 Critical Remark 2 Respecting clients (taking good care of their needs and starting where they are), being critical towards the oppression / power issues in practice scenario….

11 Critical Remark 3 Read the following before using OC. 「行為治療法」之華人社會的應用

12 So… 1. How Sheldon Rose’s view related to CC / OC? 2. Give examples that client is not being respected in BM in our common practice 3. Your comment on ‘ 行為治療法 ’

13 Social Cognitive Theory List three to five human capabilities that are important for our (social) livings?

14 Social Cognitive Theory Basic capabilities 1. S____________ Capability 2. F____________ Capability 3. V____________ Capability 4. S____________ Capability 5. S____________ Capability

15 Social Cognitive Theory Reciprocal Determinism

16 Social Learning Most human behaviors are learned by observation. Observation Learning – Attentional, Retention, Motor Production, Motivational Model Variables – what are these?

17 Model Variables… 1. S______, P_______, S______, N________, C________ of O_______, V_______ of M _______, … 2. C_____ Vs M_____ Models, I_____ and I______ Models … 3. These all contribute to modeling effect in general, but its impact depends on its context

18 Self-efficacy Sources of developing Self-efficacy E______, V______, P_______ and P________. Importance: B_____ E______ (linking to positive outcome) and S___ E_____ are two important determinants for behavior learning. Role of self-efficacy in behavior learning Self-fulfilling prophecy of Self-efficacy

19 Reinforcement Three types of Reinforcement 1. Direct Reinforcement 2. Vicarious reinforcement 3. Self-reinforcement (SR and SE)

20 About Skills Training… Goldstein, A.P., L'Abate, L., Argyle, A., Trower, P.,… and have you heard of these….? 1. Parenting Skills 2. Social Skills / Communication Skills 3. Assertiveness Skills 4. Negotiation Skills / Skills on Mediation 5. Skills on Anger Control / Emotional Management / Aggression Replacement Training 6. ……

21 Rounding Up 1. What are implications of CC, OC and SCT to behavior changes and skills training? 2. What are the implicit assumptions of skill training?

22 Cognitive Behavior Therapies Basic assumption: Cognition, Behavior and Emotion are influencing each other. Some concepts get confused…?

23 CBT - Assumptions

24 Cognitive Therapies (CT, REBT) Appraisal – Beck, A.: Cognitive Therapy (CT), Ellis, A.: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) Disputation (CT) Vs Collaborative Empiricism (REBT) Ellis: IB  absolute ‘must’ Beck: Thought Content and Information Processing

25 Cognitive Therapy What kinds of dysfunctional thoughts that you have come across?

26 Cognitive Therapy Dysfunctional Thoughts (DT) 1. All-or-nothing thinking 2. Overgeneralization 3. Discounting the positives 4. Jumping to conclusions 5. Mind Reading

27 Cognitive Therapy Dysfunctional Thoughts (DT) 6. Fortunetelling 7. Magnifying / minimizing 8. Emotional reasoning 9. Making Labeling 10. Inappropriate blaming

28 Cognitive Therapy Appraisal Three Major Domains – related to schema 1. Self: self-appraisal, self-acceptance, … 2. World: what the world should be, expectations on others, … 3. Future: what would happen in future, …

29 Cognitive Therapy Think about different Schema related to these three domains…?

30 Cognitive Therapy General Process (psycho- educational): 1. Understanding the impact of thought on behavior and emotion 2. Educating functional / dysfunctional thoughts 3. Identifying thought (automatic thought / schema) 4. Cognitive Restructuring

31 Cognitive Therapy – general process

32 Cognitive Restructuring Some Useful Strategies / Questions 1. Evidence? 2. Alternative Interpretations? 3. Implications? 4. Downward Arrow 5. 為信念的優缺點加權

33 Self Talk Statement Think about a positive self talk statement when you are in difficult time.

34 Self-Instructional Training Self talk statement can incorporate different cognitive strategies, including… SIT is a kind of self talk statement. Impulsivity is highly related to lack of / underdevelopment of self-talk statement SIT – a means of exercising covert control over behavior General Strategy: From impersonal to personal, from over to covert training

35 Problem Solving Spivack, G., Plat, J., Shure, M.B.: Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving (ICPS) D’Zurilla, T.J., Nezu, A.M.: Social Problem Solving (SPS) Overlapping a lot, but…

36 SPS Social Problem Solving

37 SPS I – Problem Orientation Problem Orientation: 1. Problem Recognition 2. Problem Attribution 3. Problem Appraisal 4. Perceived Control 5. Time / Effort Commitment

38 SPS 2 – Problem Solving Problem Solving Skills: 1. Problem Definition and Formulation 2. Generation of Alternative Solutions 3. Decision Making 4. Solution Implementation and Verification

39 ICPS Five Stages Model Problem recognition Generating Alternatives Means-ends Thinking Consequential Thinking Perspective Taking

40 Self Management Kanfer: Self-monitoring, Self- Evaluation, and Self-control. Applied both to Behaviors and Cognitions A very useful strategy for generalization Helping client to develop responsibility for his own

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