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Take a Trip to… A Map Of Thailand The Flag Of Thailand.

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2 Take a Trip to…

3 A Map Of Thailand

4 The Flag Of Thailand

5 Official Language Thai Click here to learn some basic Thai!!

6 Geography 514,000 km² (198,000 sq. mi.) 50 th largest country in land mass Location: Southeast Asia Mountainous regions Rivers Gulf of Thailand

7 Bordering Countries Burma Laos Cambodia Malaysia

8 Climate Tropical Monsoons Rainy, warm, and cloudy May-September Dry, cool November-May

9 Population Current population: 65,493,298

10 Government Constitutional Monarchy Head of Government: Prime Minister Head of State: Hereditary Monarch Judiciary is independent of executive and legislature

11 The King Bhumibol Adulyadej

12 Thai National Anthem Thai Lyrics Pra thet thai ruam nu'a chat chu'a thai Pen pra cha rat pha thai kho'ng thai thuk suan Yu dam rong khong wai dai thang muan Duay thai luan mai rak sa mak khi Thai ni rak sa ngop tae thu'ng rop mai khalt Ek ka rat ¹ha mai hai khrai khom khi Sa la luat thuk yat pen chat phli Tha loeng pra thet chat thai tha wi mi chat chai yo. English Translation Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood. Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais. It has long maintained its sovereignty, Because the Thais have always been united. The Thai people are peace-loving, But they are no cowards at war. They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence, Nor shall they suffer tyranny. All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood For the nation's safety, freedom and progress.

13 Thai National Anthem Click here to listen to the Thai National Anthem! Sing along! Click here to listen to the Thai National Anthem! Sing along!

14 Culture Influence from:  India  China  Cambodia  Laos  Vietnam  Malaysia  Burma

15 Religion in Thailand Buddhists – 95% Muslims – 4.6% Other smaller religions make up the rest of the.4%

16 Some Foods “Pad Thai”Coconut rice w/ mango

17 Unique Method of Transportation The “tuk tuk”

18 So come and visit

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