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Using a Trust Network To Improve Top-N Recommendation
Mohsen Jamali, Martin Ester Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canada ACM RecSys 2009 Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Outline Introduction Collaborative Filtering Approaches
User based CF Item based CF Trust based Approaches Random Walk Combined Experiments Conclusion Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Introduction Tasks of Recommender Top-N Recommendation
Predicting an unknown rating Recommending a list of items Top-N Recommendation Given a user u recommend a list of items Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation
Item-based CF for top-N recommendation [Deshpande 2004] Binary rating matrix Items: vectors in the user space. Top similar items for each item purchased by the user Most frequent items top-N recommended items Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation
User-based CF for top-N recommendation Very few in the literature [McLaughlin 2004] used as baseline Find Similar users to user u according to Pearson correlation. Aggregate the items rated by similar users to compute top-N recommendation Most frequent items [McLaughlin 2004]. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Using Trust Network for Top-N Recommendation
Issues with CF Requires Enough Ratings Cold Start Users Cold Start Items Social Networks Emerged Recently Independent source of information Motivations of Trust-based RS Social Influence: users adopt the behavior of their friends Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
TrustWalker 2 4 5 4 3 2 item i 4 3 1 3 4 5 1 5 3 ? 2 4 2 4 3 1 user u 3 2 5 4 1 3 5 2 3 2 5 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 4 2 [Jamali 2009] Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
TrustWalker 2 4 5 4 3 2 item i 4 3 1 3 4 5 1 5 3 ? 2 4 2 4 3 1 user u 3 2 5 4 Φ 1 3 5 2 3 2 5 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 4 2 [Jamali 2009] Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
TrustWalker 2 4 5 4 3 2 item i 4 3 1 3 4 5 1 5 3 ? 2 4 2 4 3 1 user u 3 2 5 4 1 3 5 1-Φ 2 3 2 5 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 4 2 [Jamali 2009] Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Random Walk Approach Extension of Trust Walker [Jamali 2009]
The random walk stops at a certain user v. All items rated by v but not by u will be considered as recommended items Several random walks. Rank items by aggregate rating according to different random walks. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Random Walk Approach (cont)
Single Random Walk Start from the user u. At each user v, with probability Φu,v,k stops and returns items rated by v. With 1- Φu,v,k continue the random walk We consider the current step k of random walk to avoid noisy data. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Combined Approach When a user u trusts another users v, it does not necessarily mean that they rate the same items. Users who are similar according to Pearson correlation are more likely to have one more item in common. Using Leave-one-out, CF may beat Random Walk based Approach by recommending the withheld item. The list recommended by random walk approach may not contain the exact withheld item Recommended items could still be related to the user Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Combined Approach Recommended Movies Rated Movies Withheld Movie
Images from Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Combined Approach K2 trusted users K1 similar users
Find top k1 similar users and top k2 trusted users for u. Find the top-N items according to each set of users Merge the two sets of items to have one set of N items. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Combined Approach (cont)
Finding Top k1 Similar Users Similar to CF approaches Finding Top k2 Trusted Users Breadth First Search Random Walk Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Combined Approach (cont)
Aggregated rating for an item i CFu , TRu : items recommended using similar (trusted) users of u : aggregate rating according to k2 trusted users : aggregate rating according to k1 similar users Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Experiments We use Dataset 49k users (24k cold start)
104k items 575k ratings, 508k trust relations. N=100 Evaluation Metric: Recall L: number of queries. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Comparison Partners CF-User: User based Collaborative Filtering Approach. CF-Item: Item based Collaborative Filtering Approach. TrustWalkerList D2: RandomWalk approach with maxDepth=2. TrustWalkerList D2-pure: The random Walk approach ignoring similarities. TrustWalkerList D3: RandomWalk approach with maxDepth=3. Trust-CF (k1=k2): The combined approach with k1 = k2. Trust-CF (k1=70). k1 is fixed. The top k2 trusted users are computed using BFS. Trust-CF-RW : same as Trust-CF (k1=70), but the top k2 trusted users are computed using a random walk approach. Trust-CF Weighted. Combined approach with a fixed k1 and weighted merge of results of CF and trust-based approach. The trusted neighborhood is computed using BFS. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Experimental Results Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Experimental Results Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Experimental Results Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Conclusion Future Work Addressing top-N Recommendation
Exploit both trust network and rating profiles Experiments demonstrate that exploiting the social network improves the recommendations. Future Work More sophisticated combined models Better suitable evaluation metrics Distributed rating repositories Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Thank you! Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
References [Deshpande 2004] M. Deshpande and G. Karypis. Item based top-n recommendation algorithms. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 22:143–177, 2004. [Golbeck 2005] J. Golbeck. Computing and Applying Trust in Web-based Social Networks. PhD thesis, University of Maryland College Park, 2005. [Goldberg 1992] D. Goldberg, D. Nichols, B. M. Oki, and D. Terry. Using collaborative filtering to weave an information tapestry. Communications of the ACM, 35(12), 1992. [Jamali 2009] M. Jamali and M. Ester. Trustwalker: A random walk model for combining trust- based and item-based recommendation. In KDD’09: The 15th ACM SIGKDD conference on Knowledge Discovery andData Mining, 2009. [Karypis 2001] G. Karypis. Evaluation of item-based top-n recommendation algorithms. In CIKM ’01: Proceedings of the tenth international conference on Information and knowledge management, pages 247–254, New York, NY, USA, 2001. [Kim 2007] H.-N. Kim, A.-T. Ji, H.-J. Kim, and G.-S. Jo. Error-based collaborative filtering algorithm for top-n recommendation. In The Joint International Conferences on Asia-Pacific Web Conference and Web-Age Information Management (APWeb/WAIM), pages 594–605, Huang Shan, China, June 2007. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
References (cont) [Kwon 2008] Y. Kwon. Improving top-n recommendation techniques using rating variance. In RecSys’08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems, pages 307–310, New York, NY, USA, 2008. [Massa 2007] P. Massa and P. Avesani. Trust-aware recommender systems. In RecSys’07: ACM Recommender Systems Conference, USA, 2007. [McLaughlin 2004] M. R. McLaughlin and J. L. Herlocker. A collaborative filtering algorithm and evaluation metric that accurately model the user experience. In SIGIR ’04: Proceedings of the 27th international ACM SIGIR conference on Information Retrieval, pages 329–336, New York, NY, USA, 2004. [Richardson 2002] M. Richardson and P. Domingos. Mining knowledge-sharing sites for viral marketing. In KDD’02: The 8th ACM SIGKDD conference on Knowledge Discovery andData Mining, 2002. [Sarwar 2001] B. Sarwar, G. Karypis, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl. Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms. In WWW’01: 10th International World Wide Web Conference, 2001. Mohsen Jamali. Using Trust Networks to Improve Top-N Recommendation
Using Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation
User-based CF for top-N recommendation Find top K similar users to u Nu. Aggregate the list of items rated by all vє Nu. Similarity measure = Revised Pearson Correlation [4]
Using Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation
Item-based CF for top-N recommendation Consider items rated highly by u I’u. Find top K similar items to all items jєI’u. Aggregate these items to compute top-N items Similarity measure = Revised Pearson Correlation
Combined Approach (cont)
Finding k2 trusted users: Breadth First Search Random Walk Perform several random walks to find k2 users. Estimated rating for an item would be mean of ratings expressed by trusted friends on item i.
Experimental Results – Cold Start Users
Experimental Results – Cold Start Users
Experimental Results – Cold Start Users
Experimental Results Mixture weights are not tuned
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