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2 D7A&index=12&feature=BF

3  Girolamo Savonarola was one of the first people to try and change the church from within. Early Reformers from WITHIN the Church Just like Luther he spoke out against the abuses of the church MONEY DOESN’T GROW ON TREES!!!! Preached during the 1400’s Wycliffe was 1300’s Luther was 1517 Told the church to melt down their gold and silver ornaments to buy bread for the hungry. Created the bonfires of the vanities

4  Founded in 1539, dedicated to renewing the church’s emphasis on spirituality and service was known as the Jesuits Founded by St. Ignatius Loyola Ran the Jesuits like a military organizations Jesuits concentrated on education and established missions, schools and universities Helped the Catholic Church regain ground against Protestantism Sounds super corny but the best weapon anyone can have is knowledge and an education

5  Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545 to examine the criticisms made by Protestants and Catholic practices. Reforms were passed to address the abuses of the clergy Training of priests were regulated Financial Abuses were curbed The sale of indulgences were abolished Above All !!!!!!!!!! The Council of Trent rejected the Protestants’ emphasis on self-discipline and individual faith

6  Charles Borromeo › Ordered during the Council of Trent for the building of a new school for the education of priests Francis of Sales Converted almost the entire district of Savoy from Calvinism back to Catholicism

7 During the Middle Ages women lived in secluded convents and it was acceptable for nuns to help the poor orphaned or sick. Certain female members of the Catholic Church began to change lives, promoting the education of woman In 1535 Italian Nun Angela Merici began the Company of Saint Ursula, an order of women dedicated to teaching girls. Jane of Chantal cofounded the Visitation of Holy Mary order, which trained women to be teachers.

8 IIntolerance Catholics killed Protestants and Protestants killed Catholics. Between 1450 and 1750, tens of thousands of people, mostly women, died as victims of witch hunts. In some places, Jews were forced to live in ghettos (separate quarters of the city). In other places, they were expelled from Christian lands and their books and synagogues were burned. Luther calls for Jews to be expelled from Christian lands

9  Spanish Monarchs had set up the Spanish Inquisition to impose Uniformity in 1478. To fight the Reformation the church created the Roman Inquisition in 1542 that tried people who were accused of being Protestants or practicing witchcraft, or of breaking church law.

10 Accounts of torture and executions damaged the church’s image Seen as an abuse of the church's power

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