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Floral Careers Plant Propagation. Major Insect Pests in the Greenhouse.

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Presentation on theme: "Floral Careers Plant Propagation. Major Insect Pests in the Greenhouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floral Careers Plant Propagation

2 Major Insect Pests in the Greenhouse

3  Aphids  Thrips  Whiteflies  Mealybugs  Spider Mites

4 Aphids

5 Immature & Adult Greenhouse Thrips

6 Greenhouse Whiteflies

7 Mealybug excreting honeydew

8 Two-spotted Spider Mite Red Spider Mite

9 Insect & Disease Scouting

10  Also called “monitoring’.  Perform weekly.  Use sticky cards for insects Yellow: attracts most flying insects Blue: for thrips  Look for disease symptoms.


12 Controlling Insects and Diseases

13 Sanitation  The goal of sanitation is to eliminate all possible sources of the pest. weed removal. quarantine infested plants. medium pasteurization (especially if it contains soil). algae control-fungus gnats.

14 Watering  Too much moisture: leaf diseases root rots fungus gnats algae  Too little moisture: stresses the plants and predisposes it to disease hot, dry conditions favor spider mites

15 Variety Selection  Choose insect/disease resistant varieties.




19 Greenhouse Safety

20 Pesticide Labels  Caution: slightly toxic  Warning: moderately toxic (a teaspoonful to one ounce could kill an average size adult).  Danger/Poison: highly toxic (one teaspoonful could kill an average size adult).

21 Restricted Entry Interval (REI)  Posted on greenhouse door.  The time immediately following pesticide application when entry is restricted.  For example REI 12 hours.

22 Pesticide Storage  Pesticides must be stored in a separate, ventilated room.

23 General Safety Concerns  No smoking.  Keep hoses off the floor.  Watch out for wet floors that may be slippery.  Wash your hands after handling plants.  Don’t drink the water!

24 End

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